Y & T


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Some fantastic news for youse - well the Y & T fans that is.

Y & T are playing a few dates in September/October, so I am finally going to get to see them. Always seemed to miss them when they played here before. And they're playing The Cathouse - wow that is gonny be soooooooooo mindblowingly awesome, it being a lovely little intimate venue. Damn right I'll be right doon the front for this one.

Y&T are returning to Britain. They play London Mean Fiddler September 29, Dudley JB's October 1, Nuneaton Queens Hall 2, Bristol Bier Keller 4, Manchester Academy III 5, Glasgow Cathouse 6, Nottingham Rock City 7.

I'm seeing Schenker in 2 days - should be excellent night if he shows up - but I'm half expecting it to be called off but hopefully it'll go ok.
Hey Princess !!

Good news about Y&T. I last saw them at Wembley supporting Whitesnake and they rocked !!! Will see them at the Mean Fiddler - thanks for the heads up.

Hope you enjoy MSG. I am seeing them on Sunday - if I get back from the Skinny Molly gig on the Isle of Wight in time !! Should be a laugh as it is a Thick as Thieves MCC Rally and those guys know how to party !!!!!!!!!

The chief Saxon roadie Matthias pictured below (and may be some of the other Saxon crew) is with Schenker at the moment. Matthias often reads this board - so give him a kiss if you see him !!

When are you seeing Diamond Head ?


GOSS said:
I am seeing them on Sunday - if I get back from the Skinny Molly gig on the Isle of Wight in time !!

The chief Saxon roadie Matthias pictured below (and may be some of the other Saxon crew) is with Schenker at the moment. Matthias often reads this board - so give him a kiss if you see him !!

When are you seeing Diamond Head ?



I thought you were seeing Schenker tomorrow night Goss (Friday). Really looking forward to it, there's another 2 support bands playing as well but I've never heard of them, so will probably just stay in the Solid Rock and then make my way to the concert just in time for Schenker coming on. I'll look out for Matthias - I will of course be wearing my Saxon tshirt:headbang: .

Diamond Head are playing a few dates in England - one at the end of May and 3 other dates in June. They're playing a pre MOR warm-up gig in Milton Keynes on 2nd June and I'd love to be able to get there to see them but I'm seeing Hanoi Rocks & Twisted Sister a day or two later, so I doubt if I'll be able to get to that gig. I have heard that Diamond Head are coming to Glasgow some time in July or August, so I will definitely be there to see them - I usually go away on holiday at that time - but there's no way I'm going away this year cos I did that last year and Diamond Head played Glasgow while I was on holiday - still gutted at missing that gig!!!!!

Are you planning to see Diamond Head at any of these gigs.
heavycelli said:
Is that the band with that fantastic song : we are outrages Contagious or something in that direction??????????????????????????????

Yes Heavycelli Y & T do the song called Outrageous - its brilliant. Tickets on sale now for Y & T, so that's me just gone and booked 2 - all excited noo:D

Seriously Sammi if you can make the Diamond Head gig, you should definitely check them out, they are mindblowing, I'm not joking. I was right about Girlschool wasn't I, well Diamond Head are about fifty million times better than Girlschool. Tell Paxoman to get his ass along to it as well and I'll email Diamond Head right now and tell them to get the bath ready for him:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I can't remember offhand the dates but everyone on this forum should go and see the mighty Diamond Head if they're playing at a venue near you - they will rock you into the middle of next week and beyond:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: .

WILKS said:
Diamond Head are playing Leicester.:headbang: You could have told me princess thats your job,its wot you do .Pull your finger out of yer hole!

I beg your pardon Wilks :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know I better get my act together or else Diamond Head will be firing me and finding themselves another PR Agent:lol: :lol: . So here's the dates for the upcoming Diamond Head gigs;-

29 May - The Shed, Leicester
2 June - The Pitz, Milton Keynes
7 June - The Witchwood, Ashton Under Lyme
21 June - Underworld, Camden, London.

I hope you'll be checking out the mighty Diamond Head then Wilks - I'm ultra jealous that some of youse will be seeing DH and I'll need to wait till the summer before I can see them again, canny wait to see them doing Sucking my Love again - a totally mindblowingly superior song. In fact,I'm gonny stick that song on right now:headbang: :headbang:
I finally got to see Y&T after all these years being a fan and I finally did where? at a fuckin' small club in my town just 3 miles from me :kickass:

They kicked ass! great guys too! I met them afterwards and they signed my guitar too.

I post on the Y&T board and I know Dave & Co. are VERY happy to be playing for you blokes:heh:
I took some pics too so here they are:headbang:




great news , manchester academy for me then cheer princess for the info have a great night tonight , hey you ort to get over to belgium to graspop..... y&t msg, saxon ,whitesnake all on the bill to name a few..... no diamondhead but you never know?
Golden_Goose said:
I finally got to see Y&T after all these years being a fan and I finally did where? at a fuckin' small club in my town just 3 miles from me :kickass:

They kicked ass! great guys too! I met them afterwards and they signed my guitar too.

Brilliant pics there Goose, thanks for showing us them. I've been wanting to see Y & T for absolutely ages and like you, I'll be seeing them in a very small venue just about 8 miles from my house. I've been to the Cathouse a few times and its a great venue, nice and dark and atmospheric, and not too sure how many it holds but I don't think it would hold any more than 300!!!!!!! So this concert is going to be totally incredible. Need to go and get myself a Y & T tshirt now for the gig.
timothy sykes said:
great news , manchester academy for me then cheer princess for the info have a great night tonight , hey you ort to get over to belgium to graspop..... y&t msg, saxon ,whitesnake all on the bill to name a few..... no diamondhead but you never know?

I know a few folk that are going to Graspop but when I checked the line-up there's only a handful of bands that I really like - and those bands I've either just seen or am seeing quite soon. I just saw Saxon a couple of weeks ago, I'm seeing MSG tomorrow night, Whitesnake I'm seeing at the end of June, Guns n Roses I'll be seeing at the Glasgow SECC in July, I'm seeing Y & T in October, Motorhead I just saw about 6 months ago and I'm seeing them again this November - and I think that's about all the bands that I'm interested in at Graspop. Still, I know it will be fantastic at Graspop - are you thinking of heading there?
those 1st five Y&T albums are killer, up until meanstreak. hoping to see them at the beachland ballroom in cleveland july 22 i believe
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Brilliant pics there Goose, thanks for showing us them. I've been wanting to see Y & T for absolutely ages and like you, I'll be seeing them in a very small venue just about 8 miles from my house. I've been to the Cathouse a few times and its a great venue, nice and dark and atmospheric, and not too sure how many it holds but I don't think it would hold any more than 300!!!!!!! So this concert is going to be totally incredible. Need to go and get myself a Y & T tshirt now for the gig.

You'll have an awesome time Princess:kickass: You could get a shirt prior OR you might be able to buy on inside :cool: I know Dave's wife Jill travels with them and when I saw them over here she was selling then just inside the doorway. I think they were selling for $15.00 USD.

I think if you went that route, you could buy it and have the band sign it for ya :heh: Y&T aren't just back for a few shows as they said they're back and touring aggressively and while when I saw them here on the East coast of the US, he did say that they'd be back again soon and they are playing NYC in July :kickass:

I spoke to Dave and while they played here, they live in Cali. which is 3,000 miles away and believe it or not, they rented cars from Cali. and drove cross country for the gigs hereo_O

THAT is dedication! :worship:
GOSS said:
The chief Saxon roadie Matthias pictured below (and may be some of the other Saxon crew) is with Schenker at the moment. Matthias often reads this board

I know I'm being pedantic here, but he's actually called Matjes :) (But probably pronounced something like Matthias). I have noticed on here (before the recent round of gigs) that this person called Matjes was sometimes on the board, just reading, but not writing anything - and I wondered who it was...then when we met him after the Wolves gig...I noticed his name on his tour jacket, and then put two and two together (I'd make a good detective! lol)...then with him saying he reads the board, I knew it was the same person :D
hi princess
yes me and the wife and brother and mate are going over to graspop, cant wait, as soon as i heard saxon and helloween were on the bill then i went crazy with the credit card lol then the bill just got better and better msg y&t whitesnake,edguy,motorhead, etc..... we usually go to download but they are just taking the piss with the price of the tickets this year and the bands on the bill arnt exactly my cup of tea apart from metallica and guns and roses besides that roses are on in belgium , wish the scorpians were on the bill too ,saw them in a bull ring in estapona last year and they were awesome