Yamaha NS10 Speakers


Mar 16, 2008
Sydney, Australia
A few Yaers ago my Dad Handed me down a set of Yamaha NS10's. Only realising a few months later how "special" these things are. I love the sound of them them and for these two reasons I want to Preserve Them.

Last Night My Amplifier (Yamaha AX500) Busted a fuse and i am absolutely sure that its busted somewhere else aswell. For any Reason i cannot repair this, What Power Amps are available and suited to the NS-10's. Im not sure what im to do and what everyone else is powering these ever so popular puppies with, esp since most Studio Monitors are Active Now.

Also whenever I google This Topic people are using 200-400 watt Amps.Since the Ns10s are like 25 watts each/ 8 Ohms. Can someone tell me how this works?

Whats around and On the Market and available to me (Australia).

Thanks For any help on this at all... Im baffled :zombie:
metalkingdom posted a long time ago that a lot of dudes use a Crown D-75 with NS-10s, so that's what I ended up getting.

What happened to that guy anyway?
Im checking out the Bryston 2b. This one is the lowest wattage power amp ive seen around. Should i Be concerned about Trying to match the Wattage of the Power amp to those of the speakers (25Watts each)??