

Sep 18, 2002
Redneckville, ID
I like Yanni!!! I even listen to Kenny G and John Tesh.

Oh, man, I feel like I just flashed pornography in a full church.

I'll tell you one thing, though, he puts on one hell of a live show. His band are some of the most talented peeps I've ever seen on their respective instruments.

In my sleep...........I enjoy Yanni's concerts too.......I just love how the stage burns when I torch it after a good dosage of lighter fluid. And how Yanni and his little pussy shit band scream like raped women and run like they've got potato chips in their asses and don't wanna break em. I especially like how Yanni shit his pants when I put that knife to his throat after I executed his entire band with some AR assault rifles when they left the room in all the panic and how all his fudge-packing, bed-wetting fans just ran the other way in shear horrific undeniable and inrefutable terror. Hahahahahahaha........................*sighs* ahhhhhhhhh memories. There's so much I've just procrastinated on doing while I was awake.
Originally posted by Storm
In my sleep...........I enjoy Yanni's concerts too.......I just love how the stage burns when I torch it after a good dosage of lighter fluid. And how Yanni and his little pussy shit band scream like raped women and run like they've got potato chips in their asses and don't wanna break em. I especially like how Yanni shit his pants when I put that knife to his throat after I executed his entire band with some AR assault rifles when they left the room in all the panic and how all his fudge-packing, bed-wetting fans just ran the other way in shear horrific undeniable and inrefutable terror. Hahahahahahaha........................*sighs* ahhhhhhhhh memories. There's so much I've just procrastinated on doing while I was awake.

L O L ! ! ! :lol: