Yay I finally hit 1000!!!!

Profånity said:
tara's just an attention seeker, she wants to knopw that everyone likes her.

Hahah, shut up.
You're jealous because they like me and think you're annoying!!!
SchwerMetallMädchen said:
Congratulations Tara :D It will take a long time for me to reach 1000 posts !:cry:

awww....I wouldn't feel bad about that. It just means you have more of a life than I do. :)
lol tara, when I first read your subtitle, I thought it read "louder than boobs" there... yeah, a man's mind... oh where was I? Ah yeah, congratulations on being a no-life super-spam-whore... or something! :loco:

:Spin: NV