1000 posts

aww look its the police


it should be

:lol: WHAT! You fed him the most, he is your frankenstein! But I talked to him and he seems willing to stop being so gay with the 1337sp33k and all that shit, he seems to upheld the agreement, so that's good!

He laughed at someone because they share a room......
because its funny. unless your poor or something, then my condolences

you need to grow up.
we share a room because me and my brother couldnt decide where the PC would go...so we decided to put the PC in a seperate room and share a room between us.

because, by the set way you talk to me about my age your obviously older then me, and no teenager should share a room, we need our space

you're still a kid not a teenager.

edit: damn im fast at editing posts :p
you must be so proud.
and the way you act...you act like an 11 year old who has no clue about anything.
the internet really does not represent our real live selves, according to heartless

Actually that's Gonzo... I feel the internet represents your true self to an extent, but sometimes people just tend to be more mean/stupid on the net cuz it's less of a personal connection. For instance, I am a bit more of a dick on this forum, whereas in real life I am a nice guy (but to be fair my kindness is displayed on this forum as well, just not as much.)
Wtf man? You joined almost 5 months ago, but already have 1000 posts which is more than 10 times more than I have... How much time do you spend when not on computer and how? If you're 13 like the one guy said, go fool around places with your friends, play some sports and games, go play instruments, read lots of books and stuff, educate yourself, keep up your grades in school and most importantly, get some nice chicks around you (you'll never regret that...). I really hope you don't spend all of your day on computer. God, I feel stupid right now, even though I gave good advice :erk:

Edit: 100th post bitch!