Yay, Real Beer

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
Finally found a liquor store that sells Ricard's Red and honeybrown lager. While probably not as good as all your fancy beers. I can't get those up here, so I'll have to settle for Ricards.

Gonna be a fun ride home on the loser cruiser (bus) with my new leather jacket and like 80 bucks in booze!!!
never heard of it, but i guess molson owns and/or brews it. molson = shit, so i hope the main company execs don't have much to say about that one. :p
sometimes big breweries have there little small section that makes good shit, even buttwiper has redhook, which is an excellent beer. their esb rivals fullers even, OMGWTFLOLZ!!!
Ricards Red is a good beer. I hate the fact that all my friends are cheap beer drinkers, and they really have bad taste in beers. Even most of the time, when I tell them to try say... Stella Artois, they'll say something stupid like: Bah I'm pretty sure I won't like it. MORONS
I'm drinking Steel Reserve. This shit is piss in a bottle, but potent piss at that.
Beer = social drink. It's something I drink when I want to enjoy myself, and therefore I drink something that tastes good. When I want to get drunk I drink either hard liquor or I buy cheap beer and beerbong/shotgun it. But I can get way drunker, way cheaper and easier with hard stuffs.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Beer = social drink. It's something I drink when I want to enjoy myself, and therefore I drink something that tastes good. When I want to get drunk I drink either hard liquor or I buy cheap beer and beerbong/shotgun it. But I can get way drunker, way cheaper and easier with hard stuffs.

My centiments exactly :kickass:
Ricard's Red is my dad's favourite beer... he's not the most discerning alcohol fan :loco: I like it though, beats the other offerings Molson shits out!

any of you Canucks tried Muskoka Cottage Ale or something of the sort? dunno if it's available outside of Ontario at all, but it was pretty darn good and on special at ye olde liquor emporium (Liquor Control Board of Ontario)