
The Sound Gardener

Let's Go Ride Bikes!!
Oct 14, 2002
Eugene, Oregon
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As in, yay I got my shirt today and thanks Toby for giving me the shirt even though I live waaay the fuck across the country. It must've been expensive, you used a lot of stamps there. It's definitely worth it, though, because the shirt rules. And I'll probably be the only one in this city with one of these shirts, so that makes me cool!!

My daily rant, only this time it's online.
how can you live in Eugene and not know the mightiness of THE THRONES?!

Thrones = Joe Preston, ex-Melvins, The Whip and guest appearances on countless albums.
Best Thrones experience: In a tiny storefront thing in Olympia. Brutally ragingly hot. Thrones have been performing for like 40 minutes. Stage banter as follows.

"Alright. I've just got one more song. BUT FOR HOW LOOOONG?!?"

Rips into 20 minute sludge fest.
was he involved in Karp at all?

i saw Thrones with Khanate at the Middle East upstairs. also brutally hot. Joe was wearing a sweltering orange jumpsuit and sweating more than anyone I've ever seen on stage.
I'll get a shirt as soon as I go home for the holidays and get the guts to ask my mom if I can use one of her checks to get a t-shirt.
Not like she'd care at all, but for some reason I hate asking my parents for stuff like that.