Yeah Baby!!

Wow, thanks for that link. Very good show, and the sound quality is quite good as well.
Wasn't there something said a while ago about this show
being officially released on CD?
I'd buy a copy of that in a heartbeat. :cool:

Until then, the CD-R copy I just made will have to do. :D
Originally posted by jjmannford
I can't get the damn thing to work all
the way through:mad: The furtherest I get is to UTS
and then my network connection gets bad.
Any advice??:confused:


Well, I started with the high quality video stream,
and it really wasn't doing all that great on my cable connection, constantly needing to buffer.
And then yeah, I would get about 20 minutes in, and
the network would timeout... I then proceeded to the 56k stream, and the same thing happened.

Then I decided to see what web address the actual
ram source file was, found it and was able to download it. :cool:

So I downloaded the audio only ram file, as the video
wasn't all that spectacular.

But it took a LONG time to download, the server
it's located on was very sluggish. But I finally got it.

I'm sure that downloading it like I did is frowned upon,
but I did it anyway. :D

Then I went ahead and converted the ram file to wav,
put in my favorite burning software, added some track
indexes, and now have a nice CD-R.

Although, like I said before, don't get me wrong, I'd buy
an official copy of this show in a heartbeat. :)

You know it is not that bad but a CD? After hearing this and seeing the Video that might be a longshot.

It was a little rough guys. It rocked at times and at others was shakey :)

Although some of the tones sound pretty good and Ted sang well. I give it a C myself? And all things considered that is really not bad.

There was some talk of this becoming availiable but we are not sure about that yet? :rolleyes:

Thanks though for the kuddos

the problem is broad band isn't broad network connection timed out and/or froze up during the daytime but at 11pm it's fine.

All in all it's fun to have access to this performance, however daughter seems to get a kick out of it although she fell asleep on my lap during 'Follow the Sun':err:
Originally posted by tedleonard
although she fell asleep on my lap during 'Follow the Sun':err: [/B]

I think that's one of my favorite tunes on the album. :) But then, I like Spock's Beard alot and that a pretty Beardsy sounding tune.

Damn, with Neal gone from the Beard (for those who don't know yet, Neal Morse quit Spock's and Transatlantic yesterday), will they have to call it quits? Or at the very lease, shave off part of the beard and call themselves Spock's Vandyke? Spock's Fu Manchu? Spock's Handlebar Moustache?

It sucks about Neil but I have to say Splocks Van Dyke is damn funny :lol: it will be a very clean shaven Spock :)

Good question what will they do? We had been hearing some pretty strong rumours but hoped it would not happen.

I don,t envy that situation. From what I hear those guys are very cool dudes! And on our label to boot.

I only saw them for the first time last year and was amazed a the all around talent? I would have to say they were the best Prog band going. Vocals, music, songwriting everything?

What a blow?

Originally posted by ebass
What a blow?EP

That would be the logical conclusion, captain...

*drones on about the dylithium crystals resonating in an inverse pattern and perhaps if we regulated the pulse frequencies, it might reverse the cataclysmic effect that has most recently befallen Spock's facial hair...*

"Make it so, Number One!"

Damn, I watch Star Trek too damned much.
JMG, thanks for the advice. My CDR hasnt left my car yet. Edward, you're crazy. Only a C. Wow tough critic. Being the first show in 4 years and 5 for you, with a new drummer, and a buddy
helping out on keys, it sounds incredible.:worship: Awesome performance all of you, especially impressed with Sean's drumming. Wow there are a lot of drum intricacies that I have caught that I guess I missed at the show. :D Even Mark is solid. Whats up with him and GNR?? I heard that they are going to tour soon. Nearfest just proves that it is a shame that you can't enlighten us with more live shows. :( Hopefully the new tunes are flowing and we can get another gem soon like Blink.



Geeaunts looking pretty good

Your just too cool, yes maybe I am a bit hard myself ? OK how about a C+ I am really looking forward to getting back out there and playing like we can. Nearfest was a tough one! It sounds pretty good though all things considered.

I am critical your right good points! Thanks for that really! Sometimes it is really nice to be reminded!

Hey Mark turned that down, he is working on his own stuff but is concentrating on his guitar and vocals. He is an awesome songwriter also.

We actually all may be doing some gigs soon out here every Wednesday night at a local club. Crazy stuff with cage dancers, gorillas, strippers, midgets, livestock and stuff :)

More on that later. We will be back at it live soon when the Key spot is filled.

New stuff is sounding great already. Yes we are already at it.

>We actually all may be doing some gigs soon out here every Wednesday night at a local club. Crazy stuff with cage dancers, gorillas, strippers, midgets, livestock and stuff >

The "Enchanted Tubes"

>NP Enchant Demos 2003>


Originally posted by ebass
Enchant Demos 2003

/me fires up KaZaA... ;)
Well I got my first viewing of the NF gig at Teds last night Jim
as Enchant watched the Giants win the National League pennent! :D The band are big fans! What a game.

It is actually way better than I had thought originally. The camera seems to be in the wrong spot constantly especially when Doug is soloing Arrrg :mad: but it is pretty cool. The lights and the backdrop were pretty damn cool. And I have to say the sound and tones are pretty cool.

I have changed my mind again it gets a B now! :)

The Enchanted Tubes hah? I think we actually talking about calling it the Whammy Bar :)
Will Clark was one of my favorite baseball players, so I was always a Giants fan at heart. That was a nice rally last nite. Cant believe that the Cards left in Morris to pitch the ninth. Larussa has always been overrated as a game situational manager, but after Kile tragically passed away, just keeping the team together was a great job. All Cali WS, wow. Better watch out for that rally monkey.

Dont know how it is being covered there, but this sniper crap is really scary here. I work around where all these people are getting shot, so I am scared to get gas, eat, shop, etc.:erk: They can't catch the insane mofo. :mad:

Take care
Back in the House

Jim good to know your a fan. We are pretty much avid Giants fans, although I do like the Angels, not sure about the Rally monkey? I did see some guy in an Ape suit at one of the games which I just loved :) It should be fun, the city was rockin last night around the ballpark I am sure. I agree the Cards were great dispite the tragedy this year! Hats off to them.

More importantly and yes in the news big time here as well, the sniper. Just stay inside or get a vest whatever, they will get that F#$%er soon, they always mess up! Hey that is horrible! Be safe back there!
Just to interject something...a vest would do no good vs. the sniper. You'd need military issue body armor to stop what he's firing, unfortunately. .223 ammunition will cut right through a standard issue bulletproof vest. Those are only designed to stop handgun fire...

Sorry, I just have a friend who is a military nut and just knows these things and am passing this info along. :) Amazing what you can learn about firearms when you live nextdoor to a militia whacko type. :D But, then again, I just defined half of Idaho's population right there...
I finally downloaded the video. 125Mb took a frickin long time. :zzz: Just wanted to add that Ted has got some skillz on the geetar. :cool: Of course he has the pipes, but I am impressed with his gtr prowess. Twin gtr attack.:D with bonus banter :lol:

Love the added ending on Zero. Really adds to the emotion of the end of the show.
