Yeah, I'm a n00b.


Memories in Paraphrase.
Hi there. My name is Amanda, I'm 16, and I hail from the U S of A. I found this site via Google and decided to try it out.

I'm member of several forums, so you don't have to worry about me being an idiot here. :)

On another note, I'm a huge metal fan who is also a huge girly-girl. Seriously. I broke my nail while bowling and nearly freaked. lmfao

I am a fan-girl, but I'm not extreme. While I do recognize the attractiveness of members of a band, I truly do like their music. This confuses some people, apparently. But, it works for me.

My favorite bands include Children of Bodom, Nile, Isis, Pantera, Lamb of God, Slayer, Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, Cannibal Corpse, Job for a Cowboy, Arch Enemy, the Black Dahlia Murder, and (please don't shoot, haha) Avenged Sevenfold.

But that's just the metal aspect. Truth is, I listen to practically every music genre there is. Including pop, electronica, and country. Even some rap. However, metal is me and it's deep in my heart, making it my favorite genre of all. Although, classic rock is second best. Who can beat Pink Floyd? (which, btw, Pink Floyd is my all-time favorite band over everything else in the world).

So, if you read all of this, I commend you. I can be conceited sometimes, as you can tell, rofl.

How is everyone else doing?
yup i agree i listin to lots of different music and pink floyds awsome as for Noticing the way some band members look.., Nothing wrong with that i think just about every female notice a good lookin guy.

But Annyways welcome to the UM forums amanda hope that Ya have fun here!
Oh, trust me, I already have. I love Dream Theater nearly as much as Pink Floyd.

But, I was raised on Pink Floyd, so I guess they just kind of stuck. However, Eric Clapton is a close second.

Anyone else into classic rock?

what metal bands do you all like
i saw some idiot was making fun of new dimmu borgir album
he said it had boobs you can tell by looing at it its based off of baphomet:Smug: