Year Zero

:erk: ...I was never a huge NIN fan, but back in the day I did listen to some. I think the best NIN is Pretty Hate Machine, and with each release progressively got worse. With the exception of Year Zero being few times better than With Teeth, which stil doesn't make the album any good. Well I do like Pretty Hate Machine, Broken EP, and The Downward Spiral. The Fragile was decent, With Teeth was horrid.
I just don't see how Year Zero is as great as the reviews and feedback its been getting. The beginning of Capitol G is just awful, the album just seems so stripped down and pop oriented. It seems like a better version of With Teeth...just my opinion but Eat Me, Drink Me > Year Zero :p
I've listened to it twice, but so far so good. I don't see whats so bad about with teeth.

To me the album is completely stripped down, and highly pop-ish. It certainly doesn't have the edge that his earlier albums had, and With Teeth sounds awfully radio-friendly. I guess I don't like the change in NIN's sound, or the direction that Trent took with his previous couple albums, though Year Zero is an improvement from With Teeth for sure.
To me the album is completely stripped down, and highly pop-ish. It certainly doesn't have the edge that his earlier albums had, and With Teeth sounds awfully radio-friendly.

That is almost precisely what I like about it. It is a perfect pop album. The songs are so catchy, yet very personal. It strips down all of the excess and just tells you how it is. The whole concept of the album is about losing your edge, so the songs being mellow are very apropiate. To me, it is the antithesis of the fragile, and the two of them are my favorite NIN albums, like yin-yang, sort of. Mabye I'm just wierd...
To me the album is completely stripped down, and highly pop-ish. It certainly doesn't have the edge that his earlier albums had, and With Teeth sounds awfully radio-friendly. I guess I don't like the change in NIN's sound, or the direction that Trent took with his previous couple albums, though Year Zero is an improvement from With Teeth for sure.

Pop is not bad. I would kill for a band like the beatles to come back.
It's nothing against pop and I know NIN are mainstream and everything but I just wasn't expecting such an album. I don't mind some stuff that has a softer close to pop-sound, but I can't stand music that has a made-for-radio vibe to it. I just don't think the music on With Teeth has any depth to it, it was probably the worst album I listened to back in 2005. I'd rather listen to songs like "Head Like a Hole" and material from first 2 albums and Broken EP.
I really do love this album, although I do not think it fits the NIN name - I suppose I can get used to it if this is the direction Trent is heading now.

"The Downward Spiral" is one of the biggest influences on the sound / production style of Galexia. Pretty much the only industrial element in the music is totally NIN and VAST inspired. NIN forever will be known by me as one of the best bands of all time (In the top 25 or so).

Year Zero is catchy for sure, and I love the style of the album. It actually has a very similiar vibe as the tracks unreleased for O.S.I's "Free" album, the bonus edition has these b-sides and honestly it sounds like trent may have dug these songs prior to making Year Zero.

Trent hopefully is going to continue to make quality albums like this, and he said he planned on releasing albums more rapidly now (6-9 months from now I heard? It was a rumor I didn't believe, if it is true though.... damn whens the time to tour? haha...) He's clean from drugs now... and in a way its like you can hear it in the music (in a negative way for me). What I loved most about NIN/The Downward Spiral was I was fascinated by his despair, anger, and isolation displayed by the sound of the music and the lyrics - along with the battle of his Heroin addiction / other substances, it was a true to life artistic statement of torment.