Yes! Bobby J. sent me some SI sheet music!


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2005
New York
Yeah that's right. It got here today and he signed it too saying:
To Leonardo,
This will keep you busy. HA!
Bobby Jarzombek

He sent the drum sheet music for Aquanet, Multi-Masking and Melissa's Friend. Just thought I'd share this.

Now both of them will probably be flooded with sheet music requests....^_^

It actually might not be a bad idea to make music books for the albums and sell them from the site. I was noticing the other day that Martyr does that.
Man, gotta say I envy you there! If you wouldnt mind, can you ask him to share with me? :loco: I,ve been wanting those sheets since I first heard SI! And the drums are incredibly genius, I really want to learn them! :) Get as good as Bobby one day!
I was thinking of transcribing Aquanet, purely for personal use. If I do do one I will distribute it about here. Does anyone know of really good drum notation programs? (I would do it all by hand and then convert it to midi or something on a computer, but at the moment i havent got any midi notation software, at least until the guys at powertabs figure out a way to do drum tabulature).
There's already a complete transcription (guitar, drums, bass) of "Aquanet" at The stuff on that site is for GuitarPro.