YES! New Steven Segal album

Do you really want to be that guy?


Oh man, stop it, brain. The right dude in the back, I kept seeing him as a guy with slashed throat that somehow got all his guts sucked out of there and are hanging over his chest. That'd be pretty horrible, even in a Segal film.
I'm becomes more of a fan of Seagal's fatter period by the day. Like, he moves way less and still kicks the same amount, if not more ass.

There is one where he fights a little Japanese guy while sitting in a chair, and the dude is all doing back flips off walls and crazy shit like that.
at a certain point, you've gotta take camp for what it is, total escapist fare for it's own sake.

like the british sitcom which was set in the late 1930s where Eva and Adolph lived next door to a jewish couple and hilarious hijinx occur. Eight episodes were filmed but only one was ever aired.
"Baby, please. I'm the führer. I can't just leave the office at five o' clock."
Wow, i really wish there were somewhere I could find copies of that. Just thinking about the tasteless wonder of it is making me laugh.