yesterday i found out that a girl i know


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
--thought only old people use q-tips, and has never cleaned her ears

--thought nobody really flossed and that it, like qtips, was a corporate-created myth

what are the chances she is one of those NON-ARMPIT SHAVER GIRLS?!?
well, i mean, your ears produce wax to remove things from your ears that are gross (dirt etc) but if you've never cleaned them, they'll produce a little more to remove a little more stuff if you're not cleaning them yourself. so they should be fine, except probably when she gets older she'll have some stuck in there. (gross!) as for flossing, she's lucky. i hope she goes to a dentist regularly.
well the issue came up because she went to the dentist for the first time in two years, and he told her she had teeth like she flossed every day and went to the dentist every six months. although she doesn't! in fact, i think she said something like "i'm never going to the dentist again!"

stupid people immune to cavities. gum disease will fell her one day.

(this needs to be yr avatar!)

I refuse to put q-tips in my ears. It's too easy to stick it in there too far and just compact the wax. I did this, and stupidly, to both ears at the same time. I'd guess that my hearing was down 50% for about a week while I tried to get the shit out.
Now I just use that ear wax removal stuff about every three months.
i had to help this ex of mine get wax out of his ears because he was totally going deaf from it and it was the grossest experience of my life because really nasty stuff came out. (grosser than my coroner's office experiences!)
the_preppy said:
i had to help this ex of mine get wax out of his ears because he was totally going deaf from it and it was the grossest experience of my life because really nasty stuff came out. (grosser than my coroner's office experiences!)

Yeah, it's kind of gross. But I just had wax in my ears. Not like cheetos or peanuts or anything like that. It is truly amazing how much wax can build up in there though. Just amazing.
i also remember being little and my dad telling me a story about how the insides of his ears got all funky in vietnam and i was like ewww and then the next day i begged my grandmother to show me how to properly clean my ears.