I had a funny dream.

Windom Pearl

May 31, 2001
Tampere, Finland
Me and two girls (this starts good :loco: ) unknown to me (though the other was Saija at the earlier stage of the dream) were heading to an old hut in a desert. In a moviecamera-like view it could be seen that there was a lit torch that was rising from a hatch on the roof. We didn't see it of course.

When we got to the door we found a lit torch burning on the ground. So I took it with me and we went inside. Straight from the door descended a dark spiral staircase down. So we went downstairs. The walls were like somekinda brown rock, the place very much reminded me of the X-files last episode ending scene.

Downstairs there was an old granny sitting by a stony bathtub, in which lied an old man in water. I instantly thought "Fuck! It's the old couple from Twin Peaks!" (Actually the old couple I thought them to be appear in Mullholland Drive, not in Twin Peaks and I know it very well. But anyway they are evil.) So I took the torch and went to the granny, starting pounding her straight to the head with it, though the girls opposed. Nothing happened. I then noticed the granny was made of hard plastic.

Trying to kill at least the old man, who I now noticed was lying face to water, I threw the torch into the bathtub, hoping there would be gasoline in it, but the torch only went out. Lights stayed on still.

I turned back to girls, and the other one of them, standing closer to me said "Hiii." Much soundin like a hiccup. Her eyes were kinda glassy. I was like "What?" And she did it again, without changing position at all. "Hiii."

I was heading back up when the gay cellphone woke me.
I turned back to girls, and the other one of them, standing closer to me said "Hiii." Much soundin like a hiccup. Her eyes were kinda glassy. I was like "What?" And she did it again, without changing position at all. "Hiii."
Like Laura Palmer's look-alike? :)

It would be nice if the alarm-clocks went off when dreams that vivid occur. but then again, you wouldn't remember the dream...
Not that you mentioned it...Well I don't think they were Laura's...but I do have a faint recollection of her appearing in the dream too. But I think it was like a TV-commercial or something she was in, and I thought her as Sheryl Lee, not Laura Palmer. Might have been another dream, though.
I meant the speaking-style (backwards) of the Laura Palmer's look-alike in the black lodge with the midget...
WOOT?! When have you started having dreams that don't include a scene of you and naked, elderly Finnish politicians in sauna? Not having them is not normal for you. That's actually pretty darn sick.
And Twin Peaks brings us to Windham Hell, which is one of the best bands ever. EVER! *SHAKES FIST*

Yes, the drum machine is awful. Yes, the production is bad and sound sometimes awful, especially on the first albums. That doesn't matter. Windham Hell rocks my cock... err, socks.

Try to find their latest, Reflective Depths Imbibe. That's the most suitable for normal people because of the better production. I personally adore the bad sound (and more Twin Peaks -oriented theme) of the first albums.

Uhh. Haven't listened this for a while. (Starts having multiple orgasms.)
Hmm, perhaps I should dig up the message base of our dark, murky and muddy history, translate some of Windom's sickest dreams to English and post them here. I will if that twat doesn't stop mocking Windham Hell.

I'm such a fanboy that I have to violate some copyrights for the sake of advertising. Sue me and tear off my heart.


I know you people don't like it. I don't care. (It actually does sound gay guitar masturbation. But it isn't. Really.)
Horza said:
Hmm, perhaps I should dig up the message base of our dark, murky and muddy history, translate some of Windom's sickest dreams to English and post them here. I will if that twat doesn't stop mocking Windham Hell.
Huh? Oh yeah those dreams! I'd be delighted if you did, the few I posted were legedary.

*.ogg? Come on! Were Windowspeopah!
Windom Pearl said:
Huh? Oh yeah those dreams! I'd be delighted if you did, the few I posted were legedary.

*.ogg? Come on! Were Windowspeopah!

Ogg format shouldn't bother you, as you weren't into that gay guitar masturbation, right?

I'll try to find those dream reports and translate them. If the laziness doesn't take hold. Those just might explain some things about you to these strange, foreign people who probably are still pondering what the heck is wrong with you.