I had an encounter with the paranormal last night.

I sometimes hear creepy sounds in the night. And then after a minute, I realize I just 100% imagined them. When you hear nothing, your brain is more receptive to everything, and you can't deny it can create false information or misunderstand things. It's actually quite easy to imagine something that never happened. Sometimes I hear a loud noise in the middle of the night cause I'm tired, but there is none.

Also, being several people hearing or seing the same thing is NOT a proof. I has been proven hundreds of time you can communicate those things, and sometimes you can have several people actually thinking they can see that "floating orb" behing those trees, cause when you get scared, you are afraid you can see it, and you start thinking it may actually be there, and so you think you see it there cause you mind starts getting crazy.

Also, about moving objects etc, sometimes we don't see or understand why it moves.

You know it's the old human basic thing : what we don't understand -----> magical or paranormal. There is no paranormal thing that is proven and explained as one. Because paranormal or magic things are all unexplained events, that's all.

A moving object is just a moving object. And sometimes you imagine it moves. And saying "I can assure you I was SURE it was moving" is not a proof, can mind cause be tricky. I don't know how many times an object I had on my desk suddenly fell in the middle of the night. It was close to fall, and it fell in the middle of the night, that is all. Wind can actually move a big door, maybe it will never in years and that particular day it did.
Sleep paralysis and false awakenings can be scary as fuck.
Whenever I've experienced states of mind that seem to be one of the other (I can never really figure out if I've had a false awakening or sleep paralysis) I've always woken scared shitless and feeling so uncomfortable.

I think I may have had an incident of sleep paralysis or sleep terror.

Was on a job with my dad probably 5-7 years ago, stayed in a hotel room with 2 beds and we just shared the room. My dad fell asleep quick and I laid there watching tv for a bit. Once I started to doze off, I woke up (or thought I did?) and every few seconds would hear this strange "wind" sound. Almost like the sound of a phasing breeze, if that makes sense. I kinda looked around, thought "meh, probably just the air conditioner or something"....and tried to go back to sleep. Then suddenly, I felt as if there was a steady pressure over my entire body. Something pressing down on me and not letting me up. I remember I could barely even turn my head and I tried to call out to my father but couldn't speak. This lasted maybe 20 seconds before it let up and I don't know if it had really happened, or if I had dreamed it, but it scared me.

I later heard stories of sleep terror or night fright type events that sound very similar to my incident.
I believe that certain situations in certain places (ie: sounds, smells, colors, say - in an OLD house) may cause people to believe more than not.

I lived in a big old house with a few friends about 8 years back. The house had a plaque or a sign on the front that said Estd. 1838. Pretty old house.

Anyway, this house gave me the pure creeps. The hallway, the stairway, the bathroom....all of it...especially the basement. I was 20-21 years old and I was honestly afraid to go into that basement since the light switch was at the bottom of the stairs. It was just a creepy place, and maybe it was just our imaginations and being in such an old house that made us think it may be haunted. After a few months, a few of us mentioned that "the house was making us crazy".....tensions rose and things were just weird between a group of pretty close friends. And I now recall my second "sighting" that was basically nothing.....my bedroom door definitely opened on its own as I was walking down the hall towards it. It had a coat rack on the inside with cover-alls and coats and it was pretty heavy. NEVER opened before like that. But again, there are probably reasonable explanations. Maybe there really were ghosts from the underground railroad or something crazy.
To preface this story, you should know that I always sleep with my head under the covers. I'm 26 and I don't know why. I've always been that way and it's a comfort thing... Plus i'm incredibly frightened by those monsters in my closet.

Anyway, The night before my grandfather's funeral, I was asleep in a guest bedroom of his house. I woke up some time in the middle of the night "talking" to a friend of mine who wasn't there (I kept asking him to get a glass of water) - eventually I snapped out of it and fully woke up. I laid there for a minute, almost laughing at the fact that I was sleep talking again. I've been known to do that.

Suddenly, I get this fuckin crazy overwhelming feeling. I start getting the chills and sweating, it came over me in like 30 seconds. Then I start feeling the blanket sloowwwllly being pulled off of me. I grabbed the shit out of it, white knuckles, and i fought with my life to keep it over my head because I was fuckin scared to see what was on the other side. I fought with it for what felt like 2 or 3 minutes and whatever it was started to let go, you could feel it not fighting me anymore. Instantly, the cold sweats and chills went away. I laid there still under the blanket for a while and heard absolutely nothing moving or leaving the room, just silence.

Could it have been a dream or sleep paralysis or something like that, maybe...and I probably wouldve chalked it up to that if I hadn't already "snapped out" of a half sleep/awake state right before it. I have vivid dreams regularly and I don't hesitate when I say none of them have ever come close to feeling like that.
manatee. . .


I find it interesting that these days everyone carries super high definition camera phones capable of taking high quality video too...

Why aren't there any new videos of paranormal activities? If these "events" are such common place and everyone has a phone you'd think someone would've caught something on camera by now. We've all seen the grainy classics. The "faces" in the overexposed film, the blurry light of a UFO. With higher definition comes clarity and reality :P

Ghosts DO NOT EXIST. :P There's always an explanation.
I find it interesting that these days everyone carries super high definition camera phones capable of taking high quality video too...

Why aren't there any new videos of paranormal activities? If these "events" are such common place and everyone has a phone you'd think someone would've caught something on camera by now. We've all seen the grainy classics. The "faces" in the overexposed film, the blurry light of a UFO. With higher definition comes clarity and reality :P

Ghosts DO NOT EXIST. :P There's always an explanation.

This just reminded me of the whole "orb" deal.. i mean, come on!
Have people never seen dust close to a lens before?
What the fucking fuck.
So she woke up coughing at like 4am and got up to presumably go to the bathroom to get some water or something. Several things happened while I was in the room alone. First, a water bottle that was next to the bed, and all of the sudden it made a really loud noise, as if someone had taken it and squeezed it as hard as possible. There was no one in the room, no animals, and I was wide awake because my girlfriend's coughing woke me up. I was a bit weirded out, but I didn't make too much of it.

Very normal thing....you drink from a bottle half asleep, put it back, some time later the bottle "unsqueezes" itself (especially with fizzy stuff, but also with normal water)...that makes that noise, happens to me all the time...

and the bathtub? c'mon man, oldest trick ever....your GF didn't want you to hear her taking a violent shit, so she turned on the water while she was on the toilet to mask the farts (nothing special about that, many people pull that stunt"...
and that also explained the rest she said (the alternative would have been "I just took a juicy wet shit man, sounded as bad as it smelled"...you think she's gonna do that?

nothing paranormal about any of that
Yeah man, there's isn't a lot of room for this on this forum I believe, but there is more to existence then meets the outward pointed eye.

and the bathtub? c'mon man, oldest trick ever....your GF didn't want you to hear her taking a violent shit, so she turned on the water while she was on the toilet to mask the farts (nothing special about that, many people pull that stunt"...
and that also explained the rest she said (the alternative would have been "I just took a juicy wet shit man, sounded as bad as it smelled"...you think she's gonna do that?
AHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha :lol:
Never thought of that trick, btw :D
My gf said she was in Maine with a friend of hers years ago , on vacation or something , and in the middle of the night a black shadow(?) appeared and neither of them could breathe for a minute. I think they were probably just overtired or something , I've never seen anything remotely paranormal.
live with a woman for a while ... you soon start to realize that they're not going in to wash their face or brush their teeth 4 times a day
Ha, here's the problem. Not going to happen :rolleyes: :lol:
But, yeah.. I was shocked to find out even women poop (and it can stink horribly) and burp sometimes :o
I remember this graduation cruise where the whole class had the shits and it was the main topic for a few days..
imagine drinking/partying/small-talking with a chick and then she's like "ah man, off to the loo again.. this is the fourth time i'm taking a shit today" -> :ill:

(sry 4 off topic)