My wife had a bad car crash today...


May 9, 2006
...and she was not using her car :erk: She took her car to fix some stuff and borrowed her aunt's. The guy BARELY uses the car, it is 6 years old and has a little more than 10k KM of use. Anyway...

She was going to work and take Zoe to school...a few minutes after she left home she called me on my cell phone and I felt something really weird. I picked up the phone and she was really nervous saying she crashed the car. I picked up Alice, ran like a mad man to the crash place and it was bad. My wife was driving her aunt's FIAT and the other woman, a military woman ehehe was driving a chevrolet. There was no STOP sign on the street my wife was on (and she was not used to use this path), so she didn't stop and the other car hit her on the side. Her car spun and hit the a wall pretty bad. Fortunately, both my wife and Zoe are fine, just very nervous.

Now, about the cars...the other car just had a bad radioator and a air conditioner leakage AND she had insurance. The car my wife was on however, had no insurance, and SO FAR, I know we need to buy a new door, a new bumper (that thing on the back of the is bumper, right?), the rear axis is badly damaged, the whole rear suspension gotta be changed and A LOT of fixing and painting of the car body.

Her aunt was not even close to nice with her (didnt even ask how she was, if she was hurt), she is feeling real bad, crying over stairs lying at the bad, blaming herself (I am feeding Alice atm, and she asked to be alone for some moments), I am kinda sad with the whole situation and we'll be REALLY fucked when our mechanic give a quote for this thing. I think it'll be around $3k, which is almost two months of work for both me and her.

At least everyone is healty (although not mentally..). But it was a big scare.
It was my wife's fault. The street didn't have a STOP sign, so she advanced where she had to stop. The insurance will pay the other car and we'll have to pay her aunts.
Skinny, Brazil, man, Brazil...come visit me someday and i'll understand.

EeerieVon, I want to know it too. I'll bend my knees and ask for forgiveness
you lost me there Ivan

If there was no stop sign on the street your wife was on then there was no reason to stop

Yeah, it sounds like your wife had the right-a-away. Take it to court if they try to nail her with the fault. My girlfriend got hit pulling out of my driveway (on a bad/blind corner) and got hit pretty good by some other girl. Other girl must have been speeding to leave skid marks 68 feet long, and told police she was doing about 45 mph.....yeah right!. They pinned my girl with the fault because she pulled out into oncoming traffic, but they took it to court and fought it and my girl won with the help of some pictures and drawings her father made up.

Best of luck dude.
It was my wife's fault. The street didn't have a STOP sign, so she advanced where she had to stop. The insurance will pay the other car and we'll have to pay her aunts.

I know that Brazil is like Italiy on crack in terms of organization, but this might help you:
Art. 90. Não serão aplicadas as sanções previstas neste Código por inobservância à sinalização quando esta for insuficiente ou incorreta.