Yet another reason why middle age men shouldn't try to relive their youthful angst.

The New Tawney of the metal scene right there :) Ok how great would that be to put that Cd on my Ipod and play that at work... ummm It is christmas music, boss. HAHAHAHA
its a great cd :headbang: they did a great job :headbang:

From what I've heard from it so far, it is pretty damn good. I was singing/whistling OCAYF (Snider style, of course) all day today, so I'm going to have to hunt the cd down at the mall tomorrow. I had no idea that they were still together and touring, and its good to see them giving it hell. Their website has some vid's you can check out as well. :kickass:
I have found new respect for Twisted Sister, their better then I thougt; that chick looks good too; pretty.

I'll clue you in on something if you didn't know it already or hadn't noticed it: while the words may be familiar, the music should be too. Its "We're Not Gonna Take It". In fact, all the songs on the album (except for one) are classic Christmas songs sung over Twisted Sister/AC~DC/Black Sabbath melodies.
I'll clue you in on something if you didn't know it already or hadn't noticed it: while the words may be familiar, the music should be too. Its "We're Not Gonna Take It". In fact, all the songs on the album (except for one) are classic Christmas songs sung over Twisted Sister/AC~DC/Black Sabbath melodies.

Its hard to go wrong with a Black Sabbath Melody!!!

I respect their substance in their courage to sing the words properly and to actually say Merry Christmas in these dark times like the knight of the long knifes, and that goes for Billy Idol’s White Christmas too.
Yea you talk to half these guys around here and they are afraid to say Merry Christmas, and I aint shitting you, some refuse because it is handed down from the top, kinda’ like Fahrenheit 451 where they burned books because it they made people feel sad the German national socialist party on the Night of long knives burning pile of books. These turds around here say Holiday Tree not Christmas Tree, it take guts courage to be the maverick, the individual and go against that which is easy; playing it safe being one of the herd and saying that which your ‘supposed to say’ according to the collective.
Yea you talk to half these guys around here and they are afraid to say Merry Christmas, and I aint shitting you, some refuse because it is handed down from the top, kinda’ like Fahrenheit 451 where they burned books because it they made people feel sad the German national socialist party on the Night of long knives burning pile of books. These turds around here say Holiday Tree not Christmas Tree, it take guts courage to be the maverick, the individual and go against that which is easy; playing it safe being one of the herd and saying that which your ‘supposed to say’ according to the collective.

Oh, corporate PC shit. :puke:

It seems to me that if more people would concentrate on celebrating what ever it is the celebrate instead of "being offended" by what someone else is celebrating, they would be much better off. Besides, being "diverse" does not mean being generic. It demeans everything that you and those around you believe in. If you truly want to be diverse, celebrate each holiday as they were meant to be, not mash them up into some bland no-name bunch of religious oatmeal for the masses. This is America, and we, on the whole, celebrate Christmas. Is it because its the "right" way to do it? No. Is it because we are racist a-holes? No. It is because a higher percentage of the population feels the same way. However, if we elect a Jewish president and he decides to celebrate Chanukah on national tv, am I going to get all flustered and start a protest group? Hell no. But I'm not gonna run out and pick up a Menora and matching dreidel either. He's gonna celebrate his holiday, and I'm gonna celebrate mine. As long as there is respect for each other, all is well.
If you want to listen to this post so be it, but if You like this band...rawk on!


LAME THREAD...Next Pleez!!!
If you want to listen to this post so be it, but if You like this band...rawk on!

Oh but I DO like this band, quite a alot, actually. However, when I started this post I wasn't sure what to make of the whole deal. If I could change the title to "Most Bad Ass Christmas Album Ever", believe me, I would. I bought the cd last Saturday and have not been able to stop listening to it. In the car, at work, and here at home. Its been infectious to me.:headbang:

ps: as far as the title of the first link being "crap gift", that is the way the link was supplied and not my doing at all.
Oh but I DO like this band, quite a alot, actually. However, when I started this post I wasn't sure what to make of the whole deal. If I could change the title to "Most Bad Ass Christmas Album Ever", believe me, I would. I bought the cd last Saturday and have not been able to stop listening to it. In the car, at work, and here at home. Its been infectious to me.:headbang:

ps: as far as the title of the first link being "crap gift", that is the way the link was supplied and not my doing at all.

Well, then RAWK On...:headbang: Like I said in my post, if it you like rock it...but fo' this 41 year old metalhead, I listen to mostly death metal, and thrash...:devil:
you're alone on this one bro.

that cd kicks fucking ass - and it actually takes BIGGER balls to put out a metal xmas cd, then your typical boring overdone metal cd with the same ol' crap. yawn.

and twisted kicks ass live btw.
