Yet another reunion...


Borne on Wings of Steel
Aug 3, 2003
Finland's HELSTAR this time. Remnants of War -lineup to be precise.

blabbermouth said:
Guitarists Larry Barragan and Rob Trevino from the "Remnants Of War"-era lineup of HELSTAR have revealed to in a recent interview that the band is officially back together and that plans exist to record new material. The group's current lineup is completed by singer James Rivera (also in VICIOUS RUMORS, KILLING MACHINE), bassist Jerry Abarca and drummer Russell DeLeon. An excerpt from the chat follows: So would you say HELSTAR is officially back and you plan to record a new album and tour behind it? And what type of time frame do you anticipate that to happen?

Larry: "Yeah, we are a band again. The plan is to record but there again you need a label to do that. Touring, I think will be sporadic. Rob and I make our money and support our families in the corporate world; really all of us have day gigs that quite frankly pay the bills better than anything we could make on the road. So when you hear of us doing a show you know we really wanted to do it because we are basically taking vacation time to play them."

Rob: "We are officially a band again. It is up to the people, the fans, and the labels whether or not we continue on. If the interest is there, we will continue to record and do some touring. For me, I would really like to see us put out at least one more 'official' HELSTAR release for the fans who've asked for it all of these years." I know it's in the early stages but what can we expect to hear on the new HELSTAR album? How are the songs taking shape and how has your playing styles and skills changed over the years?

Larry: "I don't practice as much as I used to but I was never really a shredder, you know. I've always tried to select my notes and make my solos interesting; that hasn't changed. I think my picking is a little bit better now. I think the new HELSTAR album will find us sounding a bit heavier but we won't forget our neoclassical roots."

Rob: "I think it will sound like HELSTAR, only updated and with better production. I'd like to think that we can make something that will sound as heavy and dark as we know the band can sound. There will definitely be more aggression at times, but melody as well."

The rest of the interview

Guess this is kinda cool... I don't know. James still rules, but I'm not sure about the rest of these guys. It's not like they're going to make any big bucks with this reunion, so it just might be that they're actually really pumped about making a new Helstar album. It will never touch the classics, that's for sure. Still it might turn out to be a breath of "fresh" 80s metal air unlike that horrid pseudo-Helstar "Distant Thunder" project a while back. We'll see...
Interesting !! I hope this time there's gonna be a real good album with Rivera this time. The 7 Witches stuff and so was cool, but it was just a selection of good songs filled up with fairly mediocre stuff. Maybe the old Helstar flame will burn again, let's hope !!! I'm really looking out for this one!
The Distant Thunder/Nosferatu line-up would have been even better but I won't complain! :headbang:

So far I've not been disappointed by the last records Rivera have been part of (Destiny's End, Distant Thunder and the 2 Seven Witches cds).