Y'know what I'd say to Hitler?

... and I don't want to see an image several times larger than all of your posts. It's just stupid. Shrink it, use it as your avatar, whatever - think about what other people are looking at when they read your posts, and keep in mind that if you're saying very little but taking up a good chunk of the page with an advertisement you're going to look like a twit.


He's 15 :goggly: :erk:

I'm just stating what bands I listen to so people will know when they have similar tastes with me.

wtf :lol:
It's not about advertising

It's just....
1. to BIG
2. Gay
3. Annoying

All your doing is stating that you like all kinds of Metal....Which makes complete since, since we are on an Ultimate metal forum.....your basically stating the obvious....BUT do as you wish.
I'm just stating what bands I listen to so people will know when they have similar tastes with me.

And the 'missing the point phenomenally' award goes to...

And what's the point of putting "Jeff" at the end of all your posts?

If you're too young to remember the days when signatures weren't always obfuckingnoxious images or stupid quotes (a long, long time ago, people would 'sign' messages with their name or initials to make it easier to read long threads on mailing lists, and some carry that habit today for the same reason), you have much to learn. Now get off my lawn!

I would just give the man a light slap on the cheek sir.

Let him know he was wrong, if he didn't admit he was wrong.. then I'd go at him, like a deranged panther.

Yes sir.
How is my sig an advertisement?

ad·ver·tise·ment (dvr-tzmnt, d-vûrts-, -tz-)
1. The act of advertising.
2. A notice, such as a poster or a paid announcement in the print, broadcast, or electronic media, designed to attract public attention or patronage.

I'm just stating what bands I listen to so people will know when they have similar tastes with me. I'm not saying "BUY AN ALBUM BY ALL OF THESE BANDS NOW!!!!" Not to mention if I shrink it then you won't even be able to read what bands are in my signature.
And what's the point of putting "Jeff" at the end of all your posts?

All of those bands suck.