Yngwie Malmsteen Water logged

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Threatens To Kill Passenger On Flight - Dec. 9, 2002

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN threatened to kill a fellow passenger on a flight to Tokyo, Japan after the woman poured a glassful of water on the guitarist.

The passenger, who had no prior contact with Yngwie, allegedly overheard Malmsteen making derogatory comments about homosexuals and decided to show her disapproval by emptying the contents of her glass on the hefty axeman.

A member of Yngwie's touring entourage, who was traveling with Malmsteen at the time, had a tape recorder running and managed to catch Yngwie's reaction on tape immediately after the guitarist was "assaulted" by the offended passenger.
"You've unleashed the fucking fury," says Yngwie.
There's a link to the MP3 of the tape at BlabberMouth.Net
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I just heard the clip. That guy has always seemed to be a loud-mouth egomaniac. That was too funny. Like he's gonna do anything...........bah :lol: :muahaha:
A friend sent me the MP3 since an audio-taped interview
was being conducted and it was so hilarious to hear
this euro-wanker homo cry his pathetic eyes out and whine
like a pathetic little bitch.

Originally posted by HUNGER OF THE UNDEAD
Shes lucky that nitwit didnt belt her one!
and hes lucky thats all she did after flapping his racist yap

She's lucky he didn't belt her one??????????
Are you kidding??? HA HA!
Yngwie's a fat pompous Euro-douche wanker.
He couldn't kick anyone's ass.
