yngwie gets pissed off!!!!

"I think it's quite amusing myself"

"I don't think it's at all amusing..."

"I mean, I mean...umm...uhh...an action packed day on the flight"

"I've had it"

:lol: this is so funny.
God that was great! Does anyone remember the Pantera home video where they were fucking with him and he went into that whole tirade about how he,"don't like FOOKIN' DONUTS!"..The guy is a great guitar player but what an asshole! I do have to say though if someone spilled water on me on purpose I wouldn't exactly be happy!
Malmsteen is damn whiny pussy bitch....who can play some fast-ass guitar. Anyone ever see his guitar instruction video? You need to see that. You will see how much of a cock he is. "I kill the mutha fuck. I kill the mutha fuck" hahaahahaa
That has to be one of the most classic musicians quotes EVER:

Look at me damnit! You have released the fooking fuoory! YOU, have released, the FOOKING FUOORY!!! :lol:
Originally posted by rheap1
Anyone ever see his guitar instruction video
Yeah, that's fuckin classic. He's like "OK, here's a riff played fast: " and he rips through it. Then he's like "ok, now here it is slowly:" and rips through it only slightly slower than he did when he did it 'fast' :lol:
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Yeah, that's fuckin classic. He's like "OK, here's a riff played fast: " and he rips through it. Then he's like "ok, now here it is slowly:" and rips through it only slightly slower than he did when he did it 'fast' :lol:

:lol: I have to see this!
"Det har ska fan...det här, DET HÄR, nu jäv...nu JÄVLAR alltså...NU J-JÄVLAR!!! You've released a fucking fury!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: