Yngwie and his antics (check this out)

99% of the stories about how Yngwie is such a jerk are related by people who weren't actually there. (Or in other words, they're mostly myth, spread by people who are caught up in the whole Yngwie-bashing game. Kind of trendy, like nu-metal.)
Almost all of the stories told by people who actually know him or have met him are that he's a normal, nice guy.
He's got a certain way that he wants things done, and if people don't want to do it that way, they don't have to hang out with him. He's interested in doing his own music, not somebody else's. There are a lot of us who are glad that he works that way, since we understand, and like, what he's doing with his music. Obviously there are going to be people that don't like that kind of music, or Yngwie's frankness. It's just really funny to watch the trendy Yngwie-basher lemmings frothing at the mouth every chance they get to spread a little more empty gossip.
Originally posted by The Yngster
I know you hate the guy with a passion, but did you read Bobby's post before you wrote that?

Oh, yeah!!! I read it!!!

Malmsteen showed himself as one of the least respectable artists with the brazilian audience, in ALL of his shows!!! Doin' things like ,,/, or send a big "FUCK YOU ALL" thru the mic...
Originally posted by †Russel Allen†®
Oh, yeah!!! I read it!!!

Malmsteen showed himself as one of the least respectable artists with the brazilian audience, in ALL of his shows!!! Doin' things like ,,/, or send a big "FUCK YOU ALL" thru the mic...

He was cool to me on 3 occasions over about a 8 year span. Thats all I can go by. Yea that tape is deplorable no doubt, and I don't want to get all political here, but Yngwie plays The Star Spangled Banner in the your country and people start to riot. What Yngwie did there was one of the coolest things I ever heard of. After playing it several times with the band he goes back onstage by himself and drives that sucker home one more time. Beautiful. God bless America.
cough* I can't breed *cough*
My God!!!
That Swedish/gibberish part was the best.
'Duscha, bla, bnja, duzhncha, blah!'
And that part 'I'll kill da muthafuck'- I think I'm gonna choke. Looks like Yngwie is down with da hood. Word. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Originally posted by Bobby
He was cool to me on 3 occasions over about a 8 year span. Thats all I can go by. Yea that tape is deplorable no doubt, and I don't want to get all political here, but Yngwie plays The Star Spangled Banner in the your country and people start to riot. What Yngwie did there was one of the coolest things I ever heard of. After playing it several times with the band he goes back onstage by himself and drives that sucker home one more time. Beautiful. God bless America.

Only America...?! :rolleyes: