Yngwie Malmsteen

Luis said:
Twenty years ago o_O , Yngwie made the ALBUM that revolutionized the guitar world: Rising Force.

Lets face it, mow hes a fat man and he has lost his magic, but he will be a guitar legend forever.
Yes, Yngwie will be a legend forever. But I slightly disagree with the "lost his magic" part for two reasons: Baroque 'n' Roll and Valhalla. Two of his best songs! When he busted out BnR at G3, it proved (to me at least) that he still definately knows how neoclassical is done.
I was really excited when i bought that cd 6 years ago at 7 years old. That was my favourite band then. And King Diamond too:) Its still quite good. But Malmsteen is jst overweight whos playing always the same shit. In G3 i blushed for him because... well watch that and you know. of course hes the master of his own style but i have lost my insterested 3-4 years ago.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Yes, Yngwie will be a legend forever. But I slightly disagree with the "lost his magic" part for two reasons: Baroque 'n' Roll and Valhalla. Two of his best songs! When he busted out BnR at G3, it proved (to me at least) that he still definately knows how neoclassical is done.
Neoclassical? More like NeoBACHical.

Yngwie should learn to rip off another composer.
Zax666 said:
Neoclassical? More like NeoBACHical.

Yngwie should learn to rip off another composer.
I get what you're saying, especially when it comes to Baroque and Roll. But he has stuff styled like other composers, too. Bach's just the coolest to adapt to metal (ask Romeo - SX's early stuff and some stuff on V definately rocked the Bach).
PRauhala said:
I was really excited when i bought that cd 6 years ago at 7 years old. That was my favourite band then. And King Diamond too:) Its still quite good. But Malmsteen is jst overweight whos playing always the same shit. In G3 i blushed for him because... well watch that and you know. of course hes the master of his own style but i have lost my insterested 3-4 years ago.
I Agree... Malmsteen could play something else than minor arpeggio, but he's still one of the best and will allways be.
In my opinion the greatest guitarist of all time. Sometimes his songs are a bit lame (although there is the odd really good one), but the solos are just about the best around. Perfect balance of phrasing, emmotion and technique.
Lady of the Oracle said:
You & me both..I bought it on vinyl way back then (and still have it)..hehe :)
Vinyl? I guess you have me beat there. I only have it on cassette. I didn't have a turntable back then due to fundage reasons. I do still have it though, and have even upgraded to the CD.
haha whats wrong with you guys? yngwie is the best guitarist of all time, man nothing pisses me off more is people bad mouthing yngwie...i've listened to yngwie for nearly a decade and his stuff never gets old, i'd like to see someone find a better tone than yngwie, or even before that, play like him!
Johansson said:
haha whats wrong with you guys? yngwie is the best guitarist of all time, man nothing pisses me off more is people bad mouthing yngwie...i've listened to yngwie for nearly a decade and his stuff never gets old, i'd like to see someone find a better tone than yngwie, or even before that, play like him!
Ah, finally, somebody who actually agrees with me.
Johansson said:
haha whats wrong with you guys? yngwie is the best guitarist of all time, man nothing pisses me off more is people bad mouthing yngwie...i've listened to yngwie for nearly a decade and his stuff never gets old, i'd like to see someone find a better tone than yngwie, or even before that, play like him!

Which Yngwie are you talking about here? Are you talking about the young, innovative Yngwie who was treading new ground back in 1984? Or are you talking about the Yngwie that followed a few years later who wrote hair-metal songs and displayed his lack of versatility by trying to play neoclassical solos over them? Perhaps you are talking about the more recent Yngwie Malmsteen, who prefers to ignore time and cleanliness while playing his runs live?

Yngwie is a good guitarist, and definitely had a massive impact on the scene, but the best? Give me a break dude. There are people who would rip him to shreds on a technical level, let alone songwriting and/or versatility. Just listen to him on the jams at the end of the last G3 DVD. He sounds more out of place than Elton John in a room full of drunken college girls.

Oh, BTW, about his stuff "never getting old"...
There was a reason Jens Johansson left the band way back when. Not too long after he left, he was interviewed up in the balcony during a Malmsteen show, and said this (not verbatim):
"When we first started this band, we were doing something ORIGINAL. Things that had never been done before. Look at him now."
He was also quoted at another point to say that he wished he would never have to hear another minor chord for a long, long time.

So while it may not get old to you, other people get sick of that stuff over time, including musicians like Jens, who performs on a level most people could never even begin to understand...just check out his solo work.
Johansson said:
haha whats wrong with you guys? yngwie is the best guitarist of all time, man nothing pisses me off more is people bad mouthing yngwie...i've listened to yngwie for nearly a decade and his stuff never gets old, i'd like to see someone find a better tone than yngwie, or even before that, play like him!

Uh...I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I think most of the guitarists on this forum would agree that Shawn Lane and Alan Holdsworth are the best. Also, Al DiMeola was playing fast stuff before Yngwie and could shred Yngwie anyday. Even though I don't think Yngwie has the best tone His tone was very similar to Uli Roth's.