Yngwie & MJ


A member nonetheless
Nov 9, 2009
Out there somewhere

Yngwie Malmsteen will release a new album called High Impact internationally on December 7/8. The set features a "surprise" bonus track — Yngwie's never-before-released interpretation of the Michael Jackson mega-hit classic "Beat It", which features Tim Ripper Owens on Vocals.
"High Impact" track listing: 01. Caprici Di Dablo 02. Brothers 03. Blitzkrieg 04. Trilogy Suite 05. Red House 06. Finale 07. Magic City 08. Arpeggios From Hell 09. Far Beyond The Sun 10. Cantabile 11. Blue 12. Overture 1622 13. Fugue 14. Beat It.

Yngwie Malmsteen will release a new album called High Impact internationally on December 7/8. The set features a "surprise" bonus track — Yngwie's never-before-released interpretation of the Michael Jackson mega-hit classic "Beat It", which features Tim Ripper Owens on Vocals.
Um...not exactly sure what to say about this. :err: I'm assuming this is legit? Your source? While I've remained an Yngwie fan despite his waning popularity, and some say, arguably waning skill, I just can't wrap my mind around him covering "Beat It." Still will check out the new album regardless.
Of the two, I'm much more intrigued by Tim's future than Yngwie's. To my ear, Yngwie hasn't done anything worth owning since Eclipse, and that was far from a great album. Tim really needs to get hooked up with a group of younger (than Yngwie) musicians, who have a skill level similar to Tim's. Glorious Burden showed us just how dynamic and compelling Tim's voice can be.

As for the "Beat It" cover... wow... that's beyond stupid.

Of the two, I'm much more intrigued by Tim's future than Yngwie's. To my ear, Yngwie hasn't done anything worth owning since Eclipse, and that was far from a great album. Tim really needs to get hooked up with a group of younger (than Yngwie) musicians, who have a skill level similar to Tim's. Glorious Burden showed us just how dynamic and compelling Tim's voice can be.

As for the "Beat It" cover... wow... that's beyond stupid.


I agree. Tim is too good of a singer to waste his time being drowned out by YJM's guitar wankery and ego! :rolleyes:

not sure how I feel about this...why is Yngwie putting out an album of basically previously released material???
I'm always looking forward to new Malmsteen material, that's why people call me mjmalmsteen, he is my fav. band,not a bad release to me only album I didn't think was amazing was facing the animal it was still good but not like every other Malmsteen album, anyway I know a lot of people don't really like him but for me he is what i think of when people say classic heavy metal. He has never changed and i love him for that, and he changed the world of guitar forever but oh well everyone likes different stuff. for me Malmsteen is a most good!
not a bad release to me only album I didn't think was amazing was facing the animal it was still good but not like every other Malmsteen album

And to me that is one of his BEST albums.

He's definitely gotten stale for me pretty much ever since "Animal". "War to End All Wars" was one of the worst production jobs and "Attack" was one of the worst writing jobs.... "Mad Mad Dog" may be the worst Yngwie song of all time....:Puke:
Yeah...Facing the Animal is a must have CD...if for the Cozy Powell performance alone. The vocals on it are outstanding too. Yngwie can get some great singers no doubt.
He has never changed and i love him for that, and he changed the world of guitar forever but oh well everyone likes different stuff. for me Malmsteen is a most good!

What you see is what you get with YM I still love what he does after all this time. He's still an amazing player and cool as hell when I met him I guess it's like chocolate cake. I still love it after all these years despite it's never changing. :lol:
I love his first 3 albums and I can't stand the rest. When I heard him with Derek Sherinian though, it was pretty awesome. I know some musicians (especially him) don't like the constraints of someone else's songwriting, but, it often brings out the best in ya. I wish he's just collaborate more, his genius could really shine if he wasn't in the driver's seat all the time!
To be honest, I liked "Perpetual Flame". No it isn't his best, but I thought the songs were good; the real problem with it is the production BLEW!!! This really surprised me considering Roy Z helped in the mixing and pretty much everything he puts his hands on sounds great in my opinion. Also, when I saw him live for that album, I think it was one of the best concerts I've ever seen, even if I might not be an uber fan or whatever. Say what you will, but live the man can perform.

My problem with him lately though is he's become a rich, greedy bastard this past year. He released an album full of re-recorded ballad instrumentals, he's released three dvds (from what I hear have horrid quality) and now he's releasing this, basically a best of package with him covering "Beat It" which just seems wrong.

I really do feel for Tim. Personally, I think he's in the top 5 singers in the world, but he keeps getting the shaft. While I love the Beyond Fear disc he put out, he just doesn't cut it when it comes to writing a song -- which pains me to say due to admitting Schaeffer being right. Let's face it, his solo album was not very good, he doesn't write anything for Malmsteen, he only wrote a couple songs from Glorious Burden but not for Framing Armageddon, he only helped a little bit on Winter's Bane and finally didn't write shit for Priest (though that's probably a good thing as the Priest albums with him were AWFUL). The bottom line is he just needs to find himself a good bunch of musicians around his age to work with and make that his only commitment. Hell, I'd be ecstatic if he just did Beyond Fear again and dropped this Hail cover band shit.
As for the "Beat It" cover... wow... that's beyond stupid.


Too mild coming from you Greg, to me it's beyond :Puke:.

I have been a fan of YM since his solo debut, but the acoustic ballads album (which I skipped) and the highway robbery "The Genesis" (I thought he had remastered those early recodings :ill:), just to now put poor ol' Tim through Jacko Wacko material...well that Swede really needs a shrink. I'm not sure I'm gonna follow the fury unleashed much more if he keeps on this path.
Too mild coming from you Greg, to me it's beyond :Puke:.

I have been a fan of YM since his solo debut, but the acoustic ballads album (which I skipped) and the highway robbery "The Genesis" (I thought he had remastered those early recodings :ill:), just to now put poor ol' Tim through Jacko Wacko material...well that Swede really needs a shrink. I'm not sure I'm gonna follow the fury unleashed much more if he keeps on this path.

Is Ripper actually singing on that cover? If so, I feel even worse for him. Nothing against Jackson. He was good at what he did, but just...no!