Yngwie solo - 1st recording in a while


Jan 13, 2009
Well i've been out of the recording loop for about 3 months now - just got a new house with my Lady, and am settled in now - so i decided to have a bash at an old Yngwie solo (Dont let it end) not perfect and not my best production but I wanted to play this one so bad!!

Here it is Yngwie solo attempt

Let the feedback commence
Hey dude. its fucking awesome! The playing is pretty clean as well, not perfect but it doesn't need to be. I liked the guitar tone, you could hear the notes rather well with it.

Would you record some shred on one of my songs?! You really can shred dude!
Hey, REALLY nice playing there. You've got a lot of the nuances of his style captured there. And that guitar sound is very close. What were you using there?
Pretty kewl!
Those rythm guitars where REALLY low though.. and you might need to work just a bit on bending/vibrato, but damn you have good picking sync! ;O

Btw, what did you use for the keys?
Cheers guys - yeh i know its a really rough job - it was like "...aw hell, just hit record and see what happens!.."

Keys were my Mikro Korg - guitar is my PGM 301 - just one Rhythm track (lazeee)

Thanks for the kind comments though!!!
Hey dude. its fucking awesome! The playing is pretty clean as well, not perfect but it doesn't need to be. I liked the guitar tone, you could hear the notes rather well with it.

Would you record some shred on one of my songs?! You really can shred dude!

Sure thing - just pm me anytime!!
The tone is indeed similar to Yngwie. Btw nice solo too. I heard other songs from your sounckick page and I like your electronic stuff a lot. What Vsti´s did you use? She Baby has a really nice vibe.
cheers mate - its mostly my microkorg and the free steinberg synths you get with cubase.