Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

Dunno. Let me look into it. Smells of the Cleopatra label...

Yes, I believe that it is Cleopatra. Is that a non starter for you? The release is interesting as it has the Chris Poland group Ohm: as the backup band as well as some stellar guests.
Ken, is Godsticks' "Emergence" something you might carry? Not sure what the label is. Listening via my paid Zune subscription and I really like it. If I like it, I buy it......
I presume you will get the new Dead Letter Circus when it's available? I think it's out in AUS this month, but I don't know when their US distributor will have it.
I presume you will get the new Dead Letter Circus when it's available? I think it's out in AUS this month, but I don't know when their US distributor will have it.

That's on my radar scope. Not to be confused with Deadly Circus Fire, of course :Spin: What is it with all these deadly circuses?