Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

This is a bit of an oddball release, a Japan-only anime covers EP released last December that is only now making it stateside. But I'm interested!

Epica - Epica vs. Attack On Titan

Getting a worldwide release via Nuclear Blast on July 20th.
Seems like the US version of the new Spock's Beard is going to be delayed even more. Some folks at the SB Facebook Forum (and Dave Meros himself) have confirmed issues in a song where for 5 secs, it inexplicably plays part of a song from a different band. This issue was on the CD that came with the Gold Edition vinyl.
Seems like the US version of the new Spock's Beard is going to be delayed even more. Some folks at the SB Facebook Forum (and Dave Meros himself) have confirmed issues in a song where for 5 secs, it inexplicably plays part of a song from a different band. This issue was on the CD that came with the Gold Edition vinyl.

A guy posted: "Out of curiosity I checked the CD I got with my vinyl copy. Same issue. I Shazam'd the five seconds and it's from an 8 year old metal song"

Iit's the song Blind Evil by the band Dream Evil. Now that's a funny juxtaposition in a Spock's Beard CD!!
I spoke with Inside Out Music this morning. The issue is confined to the bonus discs included with the European vinyl.

US street date for the CD is June 8th.
This one apparently went under my radar.

Anthriel - Transcendence

Came out in 2017 under Lion Music. Did you ever carry this?