Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

Good to see Land of the Freaks is in stock! On that note, are you planning to release Junk Tooth? Apparently it was available on FK's website years ago, but never had a proper release. Thanks!
No plans to do Junk Tooth. At least not for the foreseeable future.

We are working our way backwards - next up will be Organic.

It comes out June 5th. What kind of update do you want? Should I call the pressing plant in Italy and see if they need a hand?

It comes out June 5th. What kind of update do you want? Should I call the pressing plant in Italy and see if they need a hand?

See, thats good June 5th... Now I know....( I spent 2 yrs in Italy) Ill go instead........:kickass::rock:
I am not sure if this has been asked & answered , but are you planning to stock the new Cryptic Vision - "Of Infinite Possibilities"
(with the bonus disc)?

Any chance at all that you can stock the new Echolyn?

I know that in this thread you mentionned that they are not selling through distributors, but I thought that maybe things have changed down the road.