I assume soKen,
Will you be getting in:
The Samurai of Prog - Beyond The Wardrobe?
Waiting for them to arrive.Soul Secret - Blue Light Cage CD?
Gotta be quicker on the draw! More copies on the way.I swear I saw the new Pyramaze on the site a few days ago. Did it go out of stock? If so, are you planning to get more?
Its on orderKen,
Will you stock the DELUXE edition of Mystery's - Caught In The Whirlwind Of Time - 3 Cd/Blu-Ray?
Thanks and have a safe and wonderful holiday!
Are you also planning on getting GEP's release:
Rain - Singularity
Solstice "Sia"?
Yes and Yesnew Evergrey on colored vinyl? how about Hymns for the Broken reissue? thanks.
Not sure. Seems they are self-releasing doing crowd funding at the moment. If they work with retailers we'll have it.Ken,
Don't know if this has been asked yet but will you be getting in:
Lifesigns "Altitude"?