YOB - The Unreal Never Lived

Yes, it is undoubtedly one of the heaviest (and best) releases this year for me.

Catharsis is one of the best.fucking.albums I have ever heard though. I once listened to that album for 6 days straight.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Catharsis is one of the best.fucking.albums I have ever heard though. I once listened to that album for 6 days straight.

Ditto. That is one of the best "smoke a bowl and throw on headphones" albums of all-time. It totally transports me to another place.
Absolutely. Definitely one of my favorite releases this year. The rest of the short list would be Pelican and Meshuggah.
Doomcifer said:
next, go in this order:

Illusion of Motion
Elaborations in Carbon

Tremendous band.

Sorry, I already tried to convince him :

Elaborations in Carbon
Illusion of Motion

I'd get Catharsis next but stonerrock.com wants to charge me in Canada $6 S&H for a single CD WTF

The store that I got The Unreal... from has the Illusion of Motion. If it's not too expensive I'll pick it up today.
6€ on amazon shops I'm getting both The Unreal Never Lived and Illusion of Motion and maybe Catharsis :loco: