I fucking hate it when people think that because they were the wife, husband, or kids of someone awesome that must mean you're automatically awesome too.
Yoko, you are not awesome. You don't even really fucking matter anymore now that he's dead.
Honestly, everything she's ever done and everything about her is annoying, and even the mention of her name gets up my skin.
It's like that Rita Haney chick too, who just out of nowhere decided she was important because she was Dimebag's chick and went and did all these interviews with magazines.
I give a fuck about Dimebag, because he was awesome. Rita, you on the other hand, you're boring and no one gives a fuck what you have to say, so drop your fucking ego and realize you're nothing special.
I just hate these cunts that continue to milk every last drop out of someone's name because they refuse to let go of what happened.
"Ohh, give me money and attention, because I was Lennon's wife".
Go fuck yourself, you low life scum bitch.