Yossi Rules !!!


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
Yossi is working for microsoft and recenetely he created a firewall for McDonalds Israel
the result was defined by local bussiness magazines as a breakthrough in local business field
here`s yossy standing right to the McDonalds network owner in israel, and the third guy is from G-tronics company or something.
Lei Lei Lei :worship: :kickass: Stoss !!!!!!! (schtoz in it`s correct form) :dopey:

yossi is a great multithreaded winsock(????) guy... he plays in a great and also he's a (generally) great guy too :) and other members of the band he plays are great too...!!
Yossi do you have anything else you've put up with and not sharing with us?
I respect and conglatulate you a lot cause from as i see you're a person that combines many things together and perfection is the result you give and made of!!! you are the perfection of my job and the divine of my musical taste!!! :worship: :headbang:
Thank you brother for everything!!! love to you and your family, kiss your little angel for me ok? :)
congrats Yossi

I'm not worthy :worship:
not worthy being a musician, a computers guy(intel) and being named Yossi :D like you.

but I would never put those orange glasses and neither should you.
Microsoft Israel, RESPECT :headbang:
using System;

namespace CongrutilationsYossi {
public class YossiSasi {
static void Main(string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("Hello Yossi!\n\nAs you know, I'm Linux specialist. MS is rival to us :) \n\nNo matter. Congrutilations to you and Microsoft. You are doing good job brother. Like your music...\n\nBut don't forget. Linux is the best :)");
:D you are a linux specialist and you need to eat more patato chips and drink more beer to have a big enough belly for a programmer :)

btw, i think it's trouble to be outside under the israel's sun with that thousars and shirt !!
In my computer there are two seperate OS's
That which is Windows and that which is Linux
I am a wannabe computer scientist
Thus the two sides must live in harmony -for me- :D

And about those orange glasses
They are not soooo bad
If we look at the situation as a job responsibility :hotjump:

May the Source be with you!
And may you never return -1 !
Yossi My Man You Are A Wonderful Person.i Am Very Glad To Meet You.it,s An Honour To Me.keep Doing The Great Work You Did In All Of Your Jobs.and Drink Tsipouro To Remember Us Cause We Don't Forget You Even After Death.kisses From Greece Big Soul Giant.
My friends, thank you for your kind words, Really, no need! I am a normal guy trying to combine all life has to offer.

As for the "Win Vs. Linux" thing - I don't see it as a dual. most of my life in IT/Dev I worked with many Operating Systems, Including many Unix flavors, Netware etc. I don't want to get into who's better at what, every OS has it's advantages and disadvantages.

To my great new Greek friends - Yalas!!
Your "Uzo-Like" gift is creating a lot of joy in my house :D
Yossi_Orphaned_Land said:
To my great new Greek friends - Yalas!!
Your "Uzo-Like" gift is creating a lot of joy in my house :D

Yamas(cheers)to you too my friend ,how do you call it? Lehaim ? :kickass:
I wish to you and your family and to everyone we met to have always join and happiness!!!
Yossi_Orphaned_Land said:
My friends, thank you for your kind words, Really, no need! I am a normal guy trying to combine all life has to offer.

As for the "Win Vs. Linux" thing - I don't see it as a dual. most of my life in IT/Dev I worked with many Operating Systems, Including many Unix flavors, Netware etc. I don't want to get into who's better at what, every OS has it's advantages and disadvantages.

To my great new Greek friends - Yalas!!
Your "Uzo-Like" gift is creating a lot of joy in my house :D

our "uzo-like" is named "tsipouro" and we are very happy that the yossi family like it. may you all have good times.cheers!!!!!!!!
Yossi_Orphaned_Land said:
My friends, thank you for your kind words, Really, no need! I am a normal guy trying to combine all life has to offer.

As for the "Win Vs. Linux" thing - I don't see it as a dual. most of my life in IT/Dev I worked with many Operating Systems, Including many Unix flavors, Netware etc. I don't want to get into who's better at what, every OS has it's advantages and disadvantages.

To my great new Greek friends - Yalas!!
Your "Uzo-Like" gift is creating a lot of joy in my house :D

may you and your family have a good time with tsipouro. the next time we see you we will bring you more of that fire water.take care.