you all knew...


Jan 27, 2002
that the first 12 seconds of Asatider of "Till Fjälls" is from the icelandic Viking movie " Í skugga hrafnisins"

the words:
Allir um borð! = all aboard
drepum þá! = kill them

cool song, the movie however pretty much sux

I know that Swedes,Germans and Americans have a cult thing for those movies...

it´s horrifying to hear the words "þungur hnífur!" = heavy knife
Yes, the sample is from that movie, but you see I've manipulated italot, edit together things that aren't so in the movie......I can't say that i adore those movies, the soundtrack is just real epicism in it, which should be in such a movie

You shouldn't analyze and take the intro to the song to much serious, is was just a funny idea i had back then, nearly five years ago......
You know, I might have seen that one. At least we saw an Icelandic viking movie in class one time. Does it have some people blood brothers at the beginning?
Can't say I remember much other than a lot of darkness and the occasional fire and clashing swords.
Originally posted by Oyo
We're doing anglosaxon literature in English.

I have to make a "viking boast" and brag about myself in front of the class, this will be fucking gay. I'm thinking of blowing off the actual assignment, going up to the class and saying "I rule!" and sit down :p

!!! *Pf* !!!

Don't be gay! Hehe... Go up there, bang
your hand on your chest, do some *grrrr*
*groaaaar* and *aaarrrgghrrrlm* >:eek:)
Originally posted by Oyo
I'm not the bragging type Blackspirit :lol:

What am I going to say..

"I am Mister Oyo! I am the top 4 poster at UM with 3.5k posts! RARRRR!!! I stay in my room all day and do nothing, GRRRUUUUGGGHH!!"

Well, if you're doing a viking boast I'd recommend
you brag more about all your weapons, places
you've been (invaded), how much mjød you can
drink etc >:eek:)
Originally posted by Oyo
I'm not sure if I can just make up stuff Blackspirit, if I can I will :lol:

Are you serious?! You have to do a 'viking boast'
from the 21st century? lol. What's THAT all about?
If you're a viking, you do the viking stuff :eek:P

Hehe... Oh well, good luck! I hope you growl so
much, people will walk in a circle around you
afterwards! >:eek:) Don't forget to hit your chest,
and look totally insane, as if you have been eating
those mushrooms!! >:eek:P*GO OYO* \,,/

Uhm... "I rule." Should work too :eek:)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Uhm... "I rule." Should work too :eek:)

Oh, I wouldn't be too sure :) Been there, tried that. Until you roar and hit your chest, they'll only give you funny looks. Afterwards, they give you VERY funny looks (granted, I wasn't a very good growler at the time ;) )
it has blood brothers at the beginning... yes, Ohh my God how the soundtrack sux,
there are good parts within the movie but There´s too much over the top dramatization = bad acting

"Hrafninn flýgur" is a better viking movie though

and did you all know that vikings did NOT have horns on their helmets... those fuckin hollywood, comic-drawers, actually THAT is frome the **** stone age or something

Enslaved are coming during the viking fest in June to play...