you all knew...

Hmmm... Kool subject! Why are there so many of thoses, and why do I have to do other things?

Well, I´ll throw in a couple of cents from me anyway...:)

I tend to like the same things as Fjelltussa when it comes to english accents, scottish accent are so darn cool! And concerning the issue about stupid americans... Well, Oyo just proved what we knew all along... Rednecks are stupid tards, and the only smart ppl in the US are metalheads...:grin:

In Sweden, half the population loves America and everything that comes from there (including junk food, stupid clothes and... Yeah, basicly everything...) And the other half hates the US and thinks that the ppl are stupid morons, with a few exeptions...:)

Quite like that actually...

Hmmm, yeah, I do tend to think most Swedes know a lot of english, and I think the thing responsible really is that we have everything in english here, + the fact that we nowadays start learning english in "pre-school" that is, at the age of six... (not all over the country tho, I guess the most ordinary is to start read it at the age of eight or nine...) The typicall swedish acent to english is rather funny tho... hillariuos! I am LMAO everytime my mom or dad tries to speak...:)

there are so many british accents around, each so very different! but i think they are cool! as for scottish/irish/welsh people, i like more if they talk in their native celtic languages, even though i don't understand a word! :grin:
german dialects are so different though! for instance if i talk to a northern german in my local dialect, he wouldn't understand anything! bavarian dialects on the other hand are quite similar to the austrian! in northern germany dialects are very similar to the frisian and dutch language!
a very weird german is the swiss! when swiss people talk on television in their dialect, it often comes with subtitles!! ;)
Pf! *grrrrr*

I'm sure your voice is nice!

I LOVE your voice OYO! :o)) Actually, I think I'd
like it, cause I like your "inside", or at least the
side that you show here... So no matter what
your voice is like I'd never hate it, same goes
for looks when it comes to these things :o)
This is true, but there is something to be said for judging books on their cover. Sure, it's not the best way to find the best book for you, but consider just how MANY books there are to read. I know I don't have time to read those, and neither do you. So, unless you can get recommendations from somone you trust on books, you'll have 2 books in front of you, you don't know shit about either, but you only have time to read one. you can flip a coin, OR take the one with the purtier cover.

Similarly with people. But now, not only do you have to chose the book, but the book has to chose you. Maybe not for a total, in depth psychoanalysis and life history, but just to read the first couple of pages, see who they are, whether they match with you.

Just sit for a second, and ponder how many people you think you'll say "hi" to in your lifetime. Not get introduced to, but people with whom you could converse with if you or they wanted to. For me, I'm guessing I've already met over 100,000 people, and it'll be well over 1 or 2 million before I die.

I can't learn all their life stories, see if they'd all be good friends of mine, or even just acquantences. I've got to cut some of them out. "Oh, that guy looks like a preppy asshole." Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But some of my experience has told me that odds are that he is.

"Oh, that girl looks really snooty." She might be the nicest girl ever. She might be THE ONE for me. Fuck if I know, but most of the women that I've seen acting like her have been snooty. If I do decide to talk to her, it might be a total bust, when with a bit more consideration, the girl on the other side of the room who looks more "my type" would be the one.

It sucks, but at least it makes a bit of sense (to me).

But, yeah, the internet is still great. No where else would I be able to talk to a concentrated group of "nice" metalheads. I mean really. I know several back at university... and they're all great people. And they're even nice, but it's still TOTALLY different from the worldwide perspecitve we get here.

OK, enough drunken philosophy on this thread....
@Nomad: That made a lot of sense actually. Although, I get to know people before I judge them. And I know I've judged people before. And I know I judge a lot of people before I get to know them, but I still try to get to know them after, so I can prove myself wrong.
This might sound a bit silly, but I do believe that I dono't judge ppl. Not even the "snooty" ones. Cause I always just find myself thinking "what do you think lies behind?" - "why do you suppose this person acts like this?" - "do you think this person feels the sam eway inside as s/he looks like on the outside?". Things like that. So I just cannot, kind of....