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Hawk said:
Really? You mean I should give it a try? I don't know yet... What if those bands have a bad day? :Spin:

You sarcastic bastard! :grin: Like you would even consider NOT going to that!!! Sounds like a killer weekend.
Greeno said:
You sarcastic bastard! :grin: Like you would even consider NOT going to that!!! Sounds like a killer weekend.

Ha ha. Of course I'll be going. What do you think!!
You can look forward to my report! Symphony X rules!!
I wish lol Next time they come anywhere near New England I'm fucking there after I heard "Odyssey" that just did it for me .... I'm a fan for life now :grin: Bryant has told me they are Excellent live ...... so it seems they are a must see band
JonnyD said:
I wish lol Next time they come anywhere near New England I'm fucking there after I heard "Odyssey" that just did it for me .... I'm a fan for life now :grin: Bryant has told me they are Excellent live ...... so it seems they are a must see band
They are!!! Seen them 4 times and all of them unforgetable gig's. Very good of the jaw dropping kind.

The above pictures a typical Symphony X front row crowd! I am not between them because then you would see this: :rock:
Here's my wife during a Symp-X gig: :grin:
As you can see she really likes them!

BTW. Tonight I will see Sun Caged live for the second time!!
I may be AWOL for a day to recover. Their debut album was my favorite of 2003.
JonnyD said:
Shit goddammitfuckin A I live in the wrong fucking country
Well, the gig was great!! The first two bands were very avarage. The problem was they played to long!! So when Sun Caged ended I could not go back with public transport! Lucky for me my old pal Martin was there. He was our drummer during the early 90's when we had a fun-metal band. Turned out he was SC sound mixer :). He offered to bring me to Den Haag central station so I could go home.

He offered me to stay at his place coming summer were he has a sound studio and make some music for a few day's. Our old guitar player will also be present. That's going to be fun!
Hawk said:
He offered me to stay at his place coming summer were he has a sound studio and make some music for a few day's. Our old guitar player will also be present. That's going to be fun!

Hawk's getting the band back together!!! I see much alcohol in you future Hawk old buddy!!! :grin: