you can download music for a fee at nuclear blast's site...

Steve M

Surasshu Metaru
Feb 1, 2002
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
so, i was cruising the the nuclear blast site today and saw that you can download tunes (a la itunes) for .99 euros... which is about 1.16 USD.

so, for the 2 or so people thinking about importing ALIVE 2, you really don't need to. you can just download LONE JUSTICE on November 18th, when it comes out in Europe.

they don't have TGOTE bonus tracks on there though... which sucks.
Jibrille said:
Though it's 192kb/s MP3 files. So if you want quality, you'll have to pay the price and import the CD.

you could just pay 1.16 and get your ONE track that you need that day... and not pay 11.76 plus outgoddamnrageous shipping (it would probably be like, 30 bucks total) and have to wait for it to come for a month.