You FotV Wish List ... for 2011


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
With the holidays approaching, FotV wants to know what female fronted metal bands are on your "Wish List" for next year's FotV festival? Who would you love to see on the Flight of the Valkyries stage?

Name your suggestions/requests here.
(Links for reference are, of course, always appreciated.)

I have a thread like this on our official Flight of the Valkyries Facebook page, but I wanted to open up this discussion to those who check the forum here and may not be on FB or may not be aware of our FB page ... until now ... go click the link above and "Like" our page if you are on FB! :Shedevil: :grin:

Thanks all! I'm really looking forward to checking out everyone's requests!
Amberian Dawn
Bare Infinity
Crystal Viper
Dawn of Destiny
Forgotten Tales
Stream of Passion
White Skull

recent fan responses on their North American Tour in support of Blind Guardian:
  • Just thought I'd mention that after your show in Philly on the 20th you are now one of my favorite bands. I missed the chance to get a cd and another shirt after the show though.
  • You guys kicked ass tonight! (Worcester) Nice to see GOOD REAL METAL take the opening spots for a change.
  • Loved the show, already listened to the album twice since then! Come back to Detroit any time!
  • Great show in Detroit!!! First I've even heard of you guy's and you kicked total ass!!! All the best!!!
  • You guys put on an amazing show at the Bottom Lounge in Chicago! I was beyond impressed, come back again soon!
  • Amazing show in Chicago, yes i am posting during your equipment tear down and yes you have a new fan!
  • You guys were AWESOME tonight at the Cabooze (MN). Loved it, loved it, loved it. My daughters think the Seven Kingdoms shirt is beyond sweet, I do too. \m/
  • Hey. I saw you guys in Toronto opening for Blind Guardian and what a welcome surprise cause you guys and girl gave them a run for their money cause you're just as good!!! I'm really loving the CD!! Thanks for signing it and great talking to you, Sabrina!!!! Keep on ROCKING!!!!
  • Thank you so much for visiting Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The instrumentalists are proficient and technical in what they do, and you have a really mature and powerful voice, Sabrina. I was blown away at what a huge difference hearing you live made. I hope to see you all back here soon!

and the comments keep on pouring in. :kickass:

gallery from Montreal show.

so let me know if you want them and I will get them for you. :)
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