You guys are psycho and should be put away.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
And I mean that in the best possible way. :grin:

I just got around to buying "A Warm Glimpse," and am completely blown away. I have to ask, what in the world were you high on when you made some of the freakier parts? I'm rarely ever taken completely off guard by music, and you guys managed to do it repeatedly.

This is easily one of my favorite albums of the year! :notworthy
Hearse said:
and Lassi... hmmm he is just a hippy who doesn't worry too much about shit :grin:
Try to take these exams I've had and not worry! :ill:
Well, other than that... ;)

My final exam for the year is tomorrow (Matrix calculus I) and then it's vacation-time which I'm intending to spend in my underwear playing old computer-games. :hotjump:

And thanks, Belial! nice to see you here too... :wave: