You guys might find this rant interesting


Don't Fuck with Dinobot
Sep 8, 2004
So I recently got into a discussion with a friend of mine about music. I'd like to hear your opinions on it since basically so few other people around me actually agree or even bothered to listen to what I had to say.

Anyway I got into an argument with some kid at NJIT one day where he was asking me how I could listen to what I listen to. I responded by asking him how he could listen to stuff with such mundane lyrics. This may be hard to follow since I'm a little tired but just hear me out. My point is that music is a fantasy realm. It is meant to spark the imagination. So I accused him of being feeble-minded because the lyrics in his music never reached beyond what he himself had experienced (for example emo kids only listening to songs about their girlfriends leaving them) While my music on the other hand dealt with issues that I would probably never have to experience, like eviscerating someone with a meathook. I don't see the point of music describing everyday life. Because everyday life if retarded.

Now the rest are some excerpts from other posts I've made on another forum that my friends set up . . .

"And also realistically speaking who EVER actually related to music or understands the "message" of any band or singer. WHAT THE FUCK do the RHCP sing about? Cus goddamn do they have me stumped. I bet they don't even know. And how many of us can actually relate to the song "Master of Puppets"? We all listen to it. However to us it is just as fantastic as dragons and Elves. I know there are countless songs that do the same thing."

and finally a real long one . . .

"I swear yesterday is the last time I'm every getting into an argument again about my taste in music. I fucking can't stand people. I do give leeway for people that don't understand it or don't like it because much of what I listen to is pretty abrasive, and I can and often do discuss varying styles with people who listen to completely different things. But what REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY fucking gets my blood boiling is the people that I can think of as "almost" metal, or somehow nearer that threshold than most others.

These are the problematic group - The guys that listen to hardcore and maybe a few classic metal bands, and even some other softer stuff that still gets on MTV. When I argued with one last night, there were a few questions that I could answer, and some comments that just got me pissed as anything.

And obvious one, that actually wasn't posed as a question but a comment that grated on my back like a whip of nails was about the vocal sound of "Fuck I'm Dead". After hours of listening to this kid's music, which of course he thought was the most intense and badass music in the world, I showed him some Fuck I'm Dead. I still expected a sour reaction but what he said was "THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE DEVIL". That phrase fucking KILLED my patience. I can't fucking STAND that. The worst part is, from other people not as familiar with the side of the music spectrum that I am on I usually can just take that phrase with a grain of salt and smile. But not from someone SO DAMNED CLOSE to what I listen to that a few good bands can bridge the gap in his mind in a matter of days. To say something like that just proves that not only does he have no idea what he is talking about, but he doesn't even respect the music that he himself listens to. 10 years ago someone could say the same thing about his stuff. Someone in his position has no right to say "This sounds like the devil". It just shows MASSIVE ignorance. Even more than a person that would be totally on the other end. My view is, if you're gunna get your feet wet you might as well just jump in.

Another thing came up in regards to lyrical content. Although not as bad as above, I really couldn't take it. This mostly involves shit like screamo, some hard bands with clean vocals, or basically anything close but not close enough to the death metal genre. The thing is, why criticize me for listening to this stuff? And as much criticism that anybody has for me I have 10x the amount for the stuff they listen to. BE IMAGINATIVE. To me, if music is a release from reality or a place to vent feelings, why waste time on the gay shit? You can do that anywhere else in the real world. So think deeper, what is the #1 feeling that can't be expressed without serious consequences? ANGER and HATRED and any action related to either of them. So emo kids, why sing about suicide? What is the message? You can just kill yourself and suffer no consequences. Why do I like songs about death or murder? Because if I acted them out in real life I'd earn myself a fucking life sentence. BE IMAGINATIVE. WHY IN A PLACE WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS DO YOU SING ABOUT THE THINGS YOU CAN'T DO? Fuck that, KILL SOMEONE IN YOUR MUSIC. What you sing about is not pure feeling. I can't believe that you would place your own restrictions in a place where you can do anything and get away with it. And all the people that relate to this music, where is your imagination? "

Anyway yeah a little long-winded but that's basically my feelings about stupid people. I swear some people are just such sheep. I'd like to see what you guys think. Agree/disagree or whatever. Obviously there is more to it and even my views are opinion, but that's all that music is, an opinion.
ok my two cents. PEE PEE!

well to me music isn't about the lyrics at all. its the last thing i think about. I would not have a clue what master of puppets is about, i listen to the song as a song that is all. The music the vocals etc... For what he is saying i couldn't care less.
I just think people should dicide for them selves where they listen to and what they find important in it. I do care about lyrics, but if i like the music and the lyrics suck i dont stop listening to it. And yes i agree, lyrics that speak about non-everyday life are more interesting. But again; people have different tastes about music.
i think emo is just the new country...
"my girl left me... my dog died... it's raining outside..."
it's just been given a new name so all the gullible little kiddies won't think that it's the same as country...
and if you're REALLY cool... it's "post hardcore"...
i do give an importance to the lyrics... but i only read the lyrics to songs that interrest me musically.

what annoys me the most is these RnB and rap kids, or these guys who listen to gay pop music.. they say that metal isnt music and blablabla..etc... but i think maybe they should check out their music, 2 drum beats pur measure and 5 notes repeating themselves for 5 minutes is hardly what i call music. and at least metal bands actually compose their music themselves.

there aren't many emos in france, and i never need to deal with hardcore kids, so i can't relate to discussions about music with these guys.
That's mainly who I was getting angry at too. I really don't mind other types of music or people that like other types of music as long as they have an informed reason as to why they like it. It's just the people I call "sheep" because they have no mind of their own when it comes to what they like or dislike.
That's mainly who I was getting angry at too. I really don't mind other types of music or people that like other types of music as long as they have an informed reason as to why they like it. It's just the people I call "sheep" because they have no mind of their own when it comes to what they like or dislike.
Exactly, they say they like it because all the other people claim they like it. so they say it too so they wont fall out of the big group.
But still, i dont mind the rap people, like metal guys, they realy DO like it (most of the times). Well i guess for the other styles of music too. I just respect all the music styles and their listeners as long as theyre not calling all the other styles crappy and not-music etc.
you know what's more annoying than the people who say that metal isn't music?
it's the people who claim to be "open minded" about music and rag on you about your choice in music... and there are a lot of people who are like that in the metal scene...
and the pretentious metal ppl are a pain in the arse too... they think they're so metal they shit bullets...
i'm a metalhead and i plainly say that music that isn't metal, oi, classical music, or folk, are shitty. (also some electronic or rock stuff can be ok)
i can conceive that a non metalhead says that metal is shitty (because i say the same for his gay music), but i hate it when he says its not music.
rap and RnB are the worst, they suck more than all the other shitty kinds of music.
i never claimed to be open minded by the way. on the contrary. :)
What's the point in talking about this any more? You can say that some people are ignorant or close-minded, but I've read enough of these threads before to realize there is simply no point in debating it any futher.
The only thing that really annoys me is when people say "That sucks!" or "That sounds like the Devil"... etc., you get the point because they'd rather state it as a fact instead of an opinion.
im quite open-minded. I listen a lot of different styles, but it is indeed in the genres of rock and metal. Most of the time i listen Viking metal or Heavy/trash metal. (metallica, annihilator, megadeth, pantera.. and sorry, no iron maiden.. never liked that, not a clear reason for that) But some Soundgarden and Alice in chains is sometimes certainly listenable. Also the new cd of the red hot chili peppers is very good, oh and also progressive metal like pain of salvation..
you see.. i dont really have a specific genre, although many people like to call me a metalhead. But i dont really care about how people see me. And i Realy dont care about others opinions about my music. Everyone listens what he likes, and although i dont like Rap, RnB.. i dont make a problem about others listening it.
I like listening to violent music( probably cause Im so meak). And if some1 says "That sounds like the Devil" Im sold.
I am fairly new to metal, started listening to Metallica, Black Sabath, Pantera...4 years ago, and got into death metal 2-3 years ago when I heard Opeth-The Moor.
I used to listen to rap mostly ;( I know metalheads hate rap but thats probably cause they never heard anything good, its like listening to LinkinPark and saying metal sucks. I know alot of rap songs that if were sung in growling voice with some kickass background base would sound awsome.
TheUnforgiven said:
I know alot of rap songs that if were sung in growling voice with some kickass background base would sound awsome.

REALLY? haha lol

well you know what? i know a lot of ugly girls that if we changed their face and gave them bigger boobs and nicer asses they would be really hot!
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion on what music is good and what isn't. Just because someone insults or condemns a certain musical style does not mean that it isn't good. Mozart himself had to tolerate people saying his music "had too many notes." I think we can all agree that the man was a musical genius, both in his day and our day today.

Years ago, it used to bother me that people didn't appreciate my musical tastes. Back when Heavy Metal was more of a cliche than anything, and it was cool to wear bullets for a belt, spandex, and 8 inches of makeup was the style, I listened to metal. Even then, though, I didn't listen to what was popular. I listened to what was much more innovative, particularly among my group of friends and associates. There were times that I would influence people to listen to something new, but most of the time I was labeled a devil worshipper or stupid metalhead.

No matter. I'm older now, and understand that most people will demean and undermine what they don't understand, in an attempt to prevent themselves from feeling inferior. If there's a topic that a person doesn't understand, if they're young it's a pretty certain chance that they will call it stupid. If there's a musical vein that is abrasive or on the fringes of being innovative, people will give it some form of derogatory label because they either can't dance to it, whistle to it, or hum along with it. Basically, I'm trying to say this: I don't listen to music to please other people, I listen to music to please myself.

I love the Viking theme, particular the epic struggle involved in most of the songs. I love the emotionally charged lyrical content, and the aggressive musical style. That is my way of channeling pent-up energies I keep internally, because I'm an introvert. It's a good way to motivate myself while working out in the gym as well.

As long as you don't act-out some of the lyrics, such as that fiasco with that group of young men that killed that woman and then violated her corpse in a re-enactment of that Slayer song, all should be ok. It's the weak-minded that always holds everybody back, whether they're fanatically for or fanatically against something.

Just my thoughts.
Celtik Militia said:
REALLY? haha lol

well you know what? i know a lot of ugly girls that if we changed their face and gave them bigger boobs and nicer asses they would be really hot!

that, my friend, is the secret to happiness. especially the 'nicer asses' part...
Celtik Militia said:
REALLY? haha lol

well you know what? i know a lot of ugly girls that if we changed their face and gave them bigger boobs and nicer asses they would be really hot!

Ugly girls need love too, dont discrimanate apreciate
yllmar said:
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion on what music is good and what isn't. Just because someone insults or condemns a certain musical style does not mean that it isn't good. Mozart himself had to tolerate people saying his music "had too many notes." I think we can all agree that the man was a musical genius, both in his day and our day today.
I don't know, maybe if he just... cut a few, it would be perfect. :lol:

I agree with this wholeheartedly though:
I don't listen to music to please other people, I listen to music to please myself.
Part of that for me is, when someone else doesn't like the music I do... no big deal. Most people aren't as into music as I am, and most people aren't into the kinds of music I am. It comes with the territory, there's no need to be hostile about it.