So its agreed? ALL punk rock is gay...Seriously though....theyre a bunch of blue haired, cock suckers who think theyre being rebelious because they drop out of high school and smoke weed and do stupid shit like that. that would explain the ratty clothes...I dont know what it is....but everytime i see some punk ass kid at school, with his hair died blue, and he has like patches all over his clothes, and his backpack has all these like good charlotte and sum 41 "were all to blame" just makes me want to take a chainsaw to their face....FUCK YOU! you fucking depressed son of a bitch fag. go hang yourself because your a drag on society and this is all a big FUCKING show...ALL you FUCKING want is attention you little fucking PRICK! I bet your think your real FUCKING COOL with your little FUCKING chain haging from your pants you FRUIT CUP. you think you know what rock and head banging is about...well go FUCK YOURSELF! I bet if I handed you a gun, you would not shoot yourself....YOU PUSSY!....Yeah, thats what I want to say to those kids all the time....Im not necessarily talking about all punk rock bands...its the main stream punk rock kids that its directed good charlotte and blink 182 etc...Thats all they are...a bunch of punks. Ive never heard anything other than mainstream punk rock, so once again, thats directed at the main stream....Non-conformity my ass....Your conforming to non-conformity....The punk rock, high school drop out, blue spikey hair thing is just fucking gay now....Try something new....