What metal genres do you like?

I'm definately a thrash head. I prefer that straight in-your-face thrash feel like Forbidden, early Testament or The Haunted, Viking, with clean vox and fast guitar.

I'll take anything today that has the same old school structures, especially a thrash/black mix. I love the black metal feel in Dragonlord, in bands like Witchery, Dimension Zero, later Testament, (maybe the Crown, but they're pushing it).

After these, I don't really classify anything else -- Power, Progressive, Traditional etc. In Flames, Judas Priest, Helloween, Nevermore -- all this shit is great. They all go into the same pot.

Without these, then I guess I'd go doom, but this is far from my favorite style.

I will say this, I don't care for 98% of all the death metal out there. I'd listen to Ratt or Motley Crue before death.

I bet we could come up with about 200 kinds of metal genres, just make shit up like MeloDeath, IndustroDoom...

Thrasher in Sac
what's cool about DRAGONLORD's music is that there's thrash/black/progressive elements combined!

thanks for reminding me... i absolutely HATE-HATE-HATE cock-rock/butt-rock like poison, warrant, slaughter, firehouse.


i refuse to even call that garbage "metal".
hmmm... swedish death (old school, but also NWOSDM), second place goes to norwegian black and third to folk/viking metal.
of you heard Stormlord? I think they're good. :)

Some people would call it Epic Black metal. But I would like to call it "Agressive power/epic metal".

By the way, people, is there any death metal groups you could recommend? I haven't heard so much of that genre. I would like to know more about it. :D