one time in 8th grade we had a dance & i got to DJ for an hour and this girl mentioned around me that she didn't want anyone to play stairway to heaven because it was her and her boyfriend's 'song' (who she just broke up with).
i played it anyway. she hit me. i was not sensitive to her needs.
but seriously, that's like saying "Don't play Take Me Out to the Ballgame- it makes me queasy" at a baseball game! everyone's expecting it! can you get a more popular song? come on!
she was kind of bossy, actually. i only hope i played a small part in her learning that sometimes the world does not bend to your whim.
I didn't go to my school's prom cause when she lived here my girlfriend went to a different high school than me. We went to her prom and I didn't know anyone so I was bummed out until she realized that that was a problem and stopped socializing with other people. I think she thought I was being selfish at the time but has long since realized how much it sucks being a fish out of water.