You have bad taste in music

[my 2 cents]k, yes this guy is out MAINLY to be stupid and semi-funny and get people to spread his name over the internet as we are so aptly doing and many others have done, however, someone said a few posts back that they accept the fact that people have different musical tastes than you and you have to accept it. I don't feel that hundreds of millions of people all just happen to like the same, undeniably monotonus, music. Yes it is true that there is no such thing as "bad" and "good" music, but the problem that is getting worse and worse today as people get lazier and lazier is that that which is deemed popular music at the moment is thrust at them from all angles and all sides of the media. Huge compaines dominate the airwaves and fix it so that %95 of the FM dial will play the same stuff on a loop. I truly believe that if more people actually opened up to more music and listened to different stuff, they could find other music that they like. This is a process that MANY simply don't feel like doing but I'm sure would produce desired effects. Music is such an incredibly beautiful and important aspect of life, and it's a fucking shame when %90 of people only hear 1% of it.[/my 2 cents]