You know what would fucking rule?


May 17, 2003
I'm lost in a twilight hall...
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If Scott & Charlie could convince John & Joey V. to reunite Armored Saint to co-headline this tour. How many of you wouldn't go to see that awesomeness? (Of course, it sounds like Joey Vera's booked up with Fates Warning for awhile, but I can dream, dammit!)
I have to own up here that although I have known of Amoured Saint for ages I have never really listened to them.

Shame on me I know...

However I do agree that opening act would rule...
They are really good, very listenable. Deffinatly not Anthrax, but still good. When John first Joined Anthrax I got "Symbol of Salvation" from a used record store, to preview his singing and I really liked it. I'm going to hunt down somemore Armored Saint CD"s.
johnnieCzech said:
do you think Joey would want to get his ass kicked onstage?

probably wouldn't be the first time and might not be the last (i have joey's first 2 solo efforts on tape and they both were crap . shame bout that though he is a talented singer just is to one dimensional for my liking
I too must admit to purchasing those Belladonna albums, I've listened to each once... Perhaps I will remind my self later today of the Majesty of Belladonna... The Anthrax Kind... Think I'll Listen to State of U4E AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH hahaHa!
I agree johnnie, The first Belladonna album I think is great, Spells of Fear not so great, 03 not even close to great, But Artifacts Vol I is cool, its just demos with Paul Crook from the first album.
Yeah, First Belladonna, Half Listened too, Not Bad, Nice N Crunchy with the belladonna voice, and he really is Down and Out, "Cause he is Out of Anthrax and Has yet to release Spells of Fear, Ha, But Good Still, Me Rikey!