You laugh, you lose...




EDIT: Bleu dry wtf
I need to update my chan folder, and possibly put it up for DL if anyone wants.

EDIT: It's at 395mb now, how big was it when I put it up for DL, around 200-250?
You're not supposed to share it. It's like building your own deck. You wouldn't give everyone your pokemon cards so they had the same shit as you, WOULD YOU!? (Especially if they don't know how to play then it's just leading to all kinds of DOINITWRONG).

Back in the day we had a phrase called Lurk Moar. There was no ED, and no OFFICIAL image macro site, there were a few places you'd go to find images you didn't save but on the whole if you weren't there in the thread to see the pic you'd never know it existed. :lol: I don't care it's just THE RULES IM COOL ON THE INTERNET BOIIIIIIII!
Everyone says I look like Jesus... HE WAS A FUCKING SN! ISRAELI FROM THE DESERT!!

I wanted to climb to the top but the alleyway was too narrow... I dunno if I'm the only one who's ever done that but it's so easy to climb between two buildings... I've been like 20-30 feet in the air before... fun but coming down sucks :lol: