You laugh, you lose...

you rage you lose







super saiyan mode



A) There is a rage thread...

B) The fact you failed to post the images properly made me rage more than any of the pictures did.

If troll: 7/10, would rage again.
I actually linked the images properly (www.************) but for some reason the site was being a cock.

And I couldn't be fucked to dig up the rage thread.
:notworthy I have just been owned.

Fixed it, images are fucking huge tho

They are also incredibly unfunny. They are either old, or stupid.

an Ipad could very well begin to replace the PC.
Not everyone int he world is a gamerfag and needs a desktop PC. A lot of people just surf the web, chat and watch movies/listen to music. I know many people who just own netbooks because of this, and if it weren't for cost they would TOTALLY go for an Ipad. I would, Ipads are fucking sick.

Anyway, two fail posts followed by praising Vikk for pointing out how much you fail.
I've never worn face paint anywhere before. Is it too late you think?

Because I heard face paint is uber metul and a Scottish thing to do.
Pretty sure this guy is from Toronto.

There is a video of him and his band covering finntroll on youtube, its horrible.

The page was brought to my attention when the drummer of a local metal band from my old high school was pictured :p
Yes, that is Rob Cranny.

Im 95% sure its not. You can't be into metal in S.Ontario and not know Rabb'a'flab :p.
Though...there are pictures of him on there :lol:, one of which I've seen on collegehumor years ago.

I like how you got a picture with him Chris and Gazz, They're his favourite band hahaha. I remember like 2-3 years ago he was like "Hey you like Alestorm right!?! They're comin', they're tooootally comin' in like 3 months, just keep it quiet"

"No they're not..."

I was right, he looked CRUSHED from the news....Fucking Alpha.

This dude
Unless this is really young rab.
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i HATE when obese people use the AV equipment. I was tempted to discard the saliva spattered mics at the school's expense because their mouths automatically salivate whenever something breaches the pie hole's event horizon.