You laugh, you lose...


i don't get it
how is it funny
^I agree. My phone is also old as fuck though. Call me what you will, but all I need my phone to be able to do is call and text, and I honestly don't even care for that lol. The only time it gets used is for business purposes. Everyone else I don't care enough about talking to lol.
I hear a lot of people saying that.

And they're usually muffled by the massive smart phones they end up buying anyways.
I've got a generic little blackberry type thing. If I could get away with having no phone I would do it. I don't really like talking to people that much, especially if I'm out somewhere. I suppose a home phone isn't so bad, but if I'm not home then chances are I don't want to talk to anyone that much more lol.
is he out now ?

Yeah, like 2-3 years now, he released like three albums since.

I hear a lot of people saying that.

And they're usually muffled by the massive smart phones they end up buying anyways.

Campus wide free wifi where I work, watching videos and browsing the web on breaks or slow times at work. That + Gameboy emulators and other games.

txt and FB is nice.
And have to bring about 2 hundred different brick-sized devices when something that fits in your pocket can do it all?

More like 2 or 3 different devices. A laptop, a GPS, and a phone aren't that much lol. I understand where you're coming from but the prices on those phones are downright absurd. I pay 50 dollars a month for my phone and I think that's fair. I see people that pay in the upward of 90 or more per month, which is silly to me.