You laugh, you lose...

The best thing about youtube is how it allows people with something to say a very effective platform for them to disseminate their views. If you're smart and know your way around social media you can go from 0 to 10k+ views really quickly.

The worst thing is shit like that.
See, this guy gets it. He understands that watching people do boring shit thinking it's entertaining is not funny in and of itself, so he puts some effort into actually making fun of them.
Besides, you know how when you watch Primer and then no other time travel plot seems confusing anymore?

Well, most food videos on youtube lost their impact because of Wanda's Macaroni Salad.

the cast for this game absolutely fucking baffles me. gameplay premise looks kinda compelling though

Absolutely insane is what it is. The irony is, if they'd dropped one single famous person from that list they could've hired a writer, to far better effect. The original speech is pure, unrefined cringe.

As far as the gameplay, we'll see when it comes out. If it comes out.