You make me feel like a natural...


Nov 29, 2002
nerd. :)

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive since I haven't been on here for a few days.
Was wondering where you were. :wave:

Log onto MSN later this evening and we'll take another stab at having a group cyber orgy. :p
My gods I don't know what to think anymore. Question, questions, and where are all the answers, eh?? If anybody knows of an answer, then please tell me. 'Cos I sure as hell don't know where they are. I mean it, go ahead, tell me the answers. This isn't an exam. You won't get disqualified for cheating. Tell me. Please. I just don't know what to think. First she wasn't here. Then she arrived. She stayed. Then she left for a few days. Then she came back, made a thread. Has she been back since?? Another question. Another missing answer. They soon pile up, don't they?? Will she be back at all?? See, another one. They stalk me. All the time. All the time, following me, waiting until I drop my guard. Then, bang, another question, answer-deficient. Another weight on my shoulders. Another nail in my coffin. Please, help me. Because whoever knows the answers, it isn't me. Not me.
OMG :eek: you forgot to add an "OMG :eek: " there, dearie! :p :rolleyes:

Spike loves you too. :Smug:

(Apparently Spike also likes talking about himself in the third person... which begins to explain a few of his previous posts...... :rolleyes: )