You might be fucked from january 1st when selling downloads

What ?

The inherent principle is good IMO. I feel like morally it brings more good than bad. However, this is not fair :

"Unless you’re selling via a third party reseller (see below), the onus is on YOU, as the micro business owner, to PROVE the place of supply. And you have to do this by providing two non-contradictory pieces of evidence."

EDIT : have any platforum such as Paypal, or even merch websites or plugins (zencart and co) have communicated about this ?
I don't get why should the micro business and independent sellers pay any taxes at all. On the other hand, when your enterprise is big enough, you won't pay ANY taxes: you'll do your taxing in one of the multiple tax havens, and that IS legal.
Seriously, what the fuck...
I don't get why should the micro business and independent sellers pay any taxes at all. On the other hand, when your enterprise is big enough, you won't pay ANY taxes: you'll do your taxing in one of the multiple tax havens, and that IS legal.
Seriously, what the fuck...

That's why they do it,to prevent multinationals from avoiding taxes by registering in Luxembourgh,Jersey,etc…

In real life though,Multinationals will never lose,they will pass any additional
tax on customers.Small businesses will get fucked,as usual.
^ Exactly. I see this as a first step in the good direction. I myself in my private/personal life am a direct victim of the ability of companies to get around laws and taxes by playing on nationalities. This would be a first step. I know for a fact Europe is slowly going after this kind of unfair things. A big consumer example is roaming is disappearing and europe should more or less be a single country phone roaming-wise in a year or two now. Brussels is going after this crook country called Ireland (I have nothing against you Irish guys, it's just fact the government there is a pirate lair) slowly because they allow workers to be employed abroad under irish laws which are the most middle-aged conditions you can think of in the whole Europe. They literally make social dumping a (inter)national sports there.

As usual, the "middle-class" of companies are those who will suffer from this the most. But I'm sure some convenient way will be quickly set up. If this is actually the future law, I'm sure they will simply make "Country" a mandatory field, and the softwares or websites will automatically calculate this for us. I'm sure there are ways to check the country is legit as well. The Steam platform already annoys the fuck out of me every time I want to buy softwares on the french website while I spend 95% of my time abroad, and won't just allow it !

The very first target I can think of is... Apple. Any iTunes purchase mentions Luxembourg or Ireland.
Technically its not as straight forward to determine someones geolocation on the web as it will only be valid to the exchange level. People living close to borders will probably have the wrong country applied most of the time.

The Steam platform already annoys the fuck out of me every time I want to buy softwares on the french website while I spend 95% of my time abroad, and won't just allow it !

Use a vpn service, connect to French server, profit...
^ I know, I just haven't spent the time researching a good (aka fast, I don't care about anything else) VPN that would offer any european country + USA. Do you know one ?
All i know at the moment is that many storefronts like Bandcamp do the whole paperwork for you, so that's somewhat of a relief. Still sucks there isn't at least some lower income ceiling to this law. There are some countries in Europe where I've only sold a single download last year. By doing the officially required paperwork for that, I'm sure both parties are just losing money.

Btw, the plan is to include physical products into this next year...
Still trying to get used to the concept, but the governments do actually provide services and try to improve things over here for your tax money.

You don't America much do you. :lol:

My roads look like shit dude, our hospital blows and our fire and police services have seen a reduction. We dumped a bunch of cash into a stupid green idea that has our city hemorrhaging money (something about decomposing garbage gas collecting kind of thing).

But we have tax free start up business in NY so there is that (*some restrictions may apply). We also just approved some casinos in upstate (*some restrictions may apply).

I don't know about Swed, but a lot of companies ditch NY for more friendly waters even if they decided to keep some manufacturing in NY because the taxes are so fucking stupid high.

And politicians are absolutely fucking shit with money, at least in this country. It's not even a partisan issue, democrat/republican = shitty with money.
From my aeronautical point of view, if they stopped spending money in that useless F35 plane (it's a total failure in pretty much all ways as of right now), every single one of them costing about 300 000 000 dollars more or less (there is no official figure but that's a current approximate, it's of course expected to be way less once production is starting), they could already cover social security needs for a few years cash ! It officially cost them about 90 billion dollars as of 2015. hell the congress and the pentagon officially (yes) admitted it is a failure but they are so far into the program they actually prefer going on as opposed to canceling and having a net loss. The military lobbying is that bad in the USAF/Navy ! People voting next time should start doing something about this honestly, it's just out of control and all that money must go in some big pocket at lockheed and friends

May 2013 :
Current aircraft software is inadequate for even basic pilot training.
Ejection seat may fail, causing pilot fatality.
Several pilot-vehicle interface issues, including lack of feedback on touch screen controls.
The radar performs poorly, or not at all.
Engine replacement takes an average of 52 hours, instead of the two hours specified.
Maintenance tools do not work.[188]